
My patterned dream...?

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Can anyone make sense of my reoccuring dream..well same sort of patterns.

I always have dreams where i am leading a group of people away from some sort of danger. They are very vivid and most involve violence which is quite scary and i normally wake up with the racing heart and breathlessness. I was wondering what these sorts of dreams are trying to tell me to do.

E.g.1 i was in a jungle and i was leading a small group of children through a swamp full of black mud and snakes, them on my back and front and at the other side was a dinosaur, when i got to the other side i was trying to command everyone to stay still so it wouldnt see us but then said we needed a distraction and someone gave one while i hurried the children to safety through the trees to a lab centre where it was trying to break the door in and i was trapped, desperate looking inside for a way out.

Thats just one dream and it was terrifying!!

Any suggestions are a help thanks xx




  1. Your dream suggests at least three things: you have a colorful imagination that gives rise to vivid dreaming, you see yourself as understanding perils that others somehow do not recognize and you have some stress in your life as you try to do for others, perhaps more for them than yourself.

    The scenary apparently changes while the theme does not, just as you put it.  The scenary then is simply a product of the many stimulating images that come your way in life by various sources - environment, movies, books - you name it.

    The theme stems from a notion that you need to be a protector of others.  Perhaps you are - do you have duties as a teacher, an aide in education of some sort or similar responsibilities?  Are there family members who you fret over as they go through the trials of life?

    That you struggle to 'save' indicates a bit of anxiety that you cannot do enough fast enough - there's always a chase it seems, never an easy, safe ending.

    Take a look at stressors in your life and whether you focus too much on the perceived plight of others while imagining that you are more vital to their welfare than might really be true.  Look at whether the stressors relate to neglect of your own needs as you get preoccupied with other's needs as well.  

    These things can all feed such dreams.  Address them and the stress levels drop - and the anxiety that gives rise to terrifying dreams drops away as well.

    All the best to you.

  2. I think the violence is just symbolic of the inner turmoil you feel at times.  You try and do your best, always take others into consideration, but you can't please some people whatever you do and sometimes it feels like banging your head against the wall. You go to great lengths to do the right thing by people, but I think this dream is telling you, start being a little more selfish, even if you are being accused of that now, you know in your heart you're not.  As the saying goes you can't please all of the people all of the time. And don't let things get on top of you, talk them over with someone. Worrying and stewing about things doesn't help, easy to say I know, but it gives you tension aches and pains I feel.

  3. I think youve got a very good imagination and watch too many movies!!

  4. consult with a professional.

    Better yet, write the story and sell it to Steven King.

  5. I think you have been watching Jurassic Park. Also you sound like a leader anyway.
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