
My pc is full with virus and is stuck after 1 minute...what i should without any program er to fix it?

by  |  earlier

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i downloaded a po%% (u know)programm and suddenly my antivirus start showing keyloggers,trojans and suddenly my just stuck..then i shut it down from the electricity back...then when i try after 1 minute to open my pc after 1 minute it showed my firewall that some1 trying to get in my pc and my hall pc is stuck then i cut the electricity again i send from my dad's pc




  1. Your best bet is to get your recovery or Windows CD and do a complete reinstallation of Windows.  If you do not have one, try ordering one from your computer's manufacturer (They usually charge around 20 bucks).

    Your only other option is to attempt booting into safe mode (make sure you boot into normal safe mode, not safe mode with networking, you don't want an internet connection) and attempt running a virus scan there.  You may need to run a full virus scan, as well as anti-spyware scans with a few other programs.

    Try running full scans with the following programs:

    Any antivirus application (If you need a new one, try Avira, it's free and has great detection).


    At least one other antispyware program (Spyware Terminator, Spybot, Adaware)

    ComboFix ( )

    After doing all of this, you may be able to remove all of the c**p from your system, but there's always still a chance that malicious files will remain.  Your best bet with such a bad infection is always a reinstall of Windows.

  2. In your situation, there are a few options you can choose.

    1) Reformat your hard disk and reinstall your Windows, which you can leave it as

    a last resort.

    2) Take out your hard disk and install as a secondary drive in another PC that

    have a good anti-virus program. Boot up on that PC and scan your infected hard


    3) You can install Clamwin anti-virus.

    ClamWin is a Free Antivirus for Microsoft Windows that uses the GNU General

    Public License by the Free Software Foundation and is free (as in freedom)

    software. It can detect and remove more than 400,000 Trojans and viruses.

    There is a portable version of ClamWin anti-virus where it can be install into

    an USB pen drive as small as 64 MB.

    First, you use another PC to download Clamwin portable anti-virus  

    and install Clamwin portable on a USB pen drive.

    Download here

    Start Clamwin anti-virus and update the latest anti-virus definition files.

    Select the tools menu bar, set the preferences to remove virus.

    Document on how to configure ClamWin

    When the USB pen drive is ready to be use.

    Start the infected PC in safe mode by pressing F8 during start up.

    If possible, disable system restore on the infected PC.

    Run the Clamwin Anti-virus that is installed on the USB pen drive to scan the

    infected PC.

    After removing the virus, install c**p cleaner (ccleaner) to get rid of the

    viruses left over setting in the windows registry.  

  3. Errrrrrrrrrr and for those of us that speak english??

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