
My pc shuts down after a few seconds and monitor says no signal?

by  |  earlier

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i just installed a new Dial up modem onto my computer, it didn't fit well so i rearranged some of my sound cards and other cards...etc. when i plug it back in and turn on the computer, the monitor does not receive a signal, and then the computer shuts off after a few seconds.




  1. Probably a problem with PCI interupts (IRQ).  You are going to have to move things around and figure this out via a process of elimination... or take it to a shop... or upgrade to DSL (which may be cheaper than paying a shop to fix this issue).

    Start the process of elimination by starting out with just the basic cards you need (the video) and add from there.

  2. make sure all the cords are plugged int the tower and screen

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