
My pc speaker problem?

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i dont know y my speaker when the volume is high then the speaker will give out ~zz..zz.zzz.zzz~ sound. or when i make the volume high it will also give out the z zz z zz z sound

like when i watching movie, something very loud like explosion then the speaker will give out zz z zz z zz sound

any1 know how to fix tis ting?




  1. I had the same problem, until I put in some earphones, it turned out I had a bad wire. I monkeyed around with it until it works. Be careful about buying new speakers from stores without consulting the manufacturers, some off-the-rack speakers are not compatible.

  2. Try to lower the volume of your speakers and increase the volume from the computer.

  3. Hmm, you might've blown the speakers. If it's a hardware problem then you'll have to resort to replacing them.

    It might just be distorted sound, too. How do you adjust the volume? Using the computer or the speaker itself? Turning the volume up too loud through your computer tends to distort the sound and it can come out sounding weird. It's always best to use the speaker to adjust the volume. Check with the manufacturer and see what sort of warranty or replacement coverage you have if it is a hardware problem.
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