
My peach-faced Lovebird just died.?

by  |  earlier

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I noticed he was "sleeping" on the bottom of his cage, unusual because he normally sleeps on his perch. I checked him out, and he was unresponsive.

I took him out of his cage, and put him on the floor, he just fell over.

I put him under a heat lamp, where he suddenly had some sord of combultion, (almost looked like an epileptic attack) and died...

I am so terribly sad, but I want to know what he might of died of?




  1. I'm so sorry.

    You can put a memorial for him on and put his picture on there and put a bio for him.

    If you do this just 'add burial records' and then put his info in. He doesn't have to be in a cemetery to add him on there.  

  2. I am so sorry.  That is very sad.

  3. I'm so sorry about your poor lovebird. I wish him good luck in bird heaven.

    Could it have been some illness?  

  4. Hi Alex,

      Sorry about your lose My Friend. I always hate to hear anyone who has lost a loving pet.It sounds like the little one may have had a stroke and it dead because of that.Again i'm so sorry for your lose.

    Your Friend,


  5. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your pet.

    It's always terribly upsetting when an animal we have loved and cared for suddenly dies.

    If you are worried that it might have had an infection or something that could affect other birds you keep then you could take the remains to a vet and ask them to examine it.

    You're probably overwrought and obviously want to know why this happened but it may be that you will never find out. Better perhaps to try and console yourself with the thought that you cared for your bird and loved and looked after it well, doing everything you could to save it when you discovered it was ill.

    I know it probably wont help too much while you are still so upset but try ad think positively that you gave it the best possible love and care you could while it was alive.

  6. It could have been a number of things/


    Malnuroiushment- Seeds should only be 25% of their diet, and they should have a source of vitamins and calcium- not the liquid kind because it catches bacteria better

    Which is another reason- Bacteria from not cleaning things in his cage

    Feeding him something that was toxic like avacado, coffee, chocolate.

    I'm sorry your bird died... it is indeed a sad thing. :(

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