
My pee color?????????

by  |  earlier

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hey guys i've been noticing that my pee is coming out yellow or dark yellow at times and im not really used to seeing that in my pee its usually clear or a bit yellow but not that dark i dont know if its because im eating more or that one time i smoked weed :| but im in football and i know we have been conditioning and sweating a lot so i should be clean and i dontk now why its coming out yellow when im drinking water!!!

BTW a month went by already from the time i smoked weed it was one....:D




  1. k i know allot about this. yea  i dont smoke at all. but here is why your urine is coming out yellow to dark yellow. how much water are you drinking a day. usually when your urine is yellow, you dont have enough water in your system. and dark yellow means you are starting to dehydrate. thats the first sign of dehydration. now a nice and easy cure is to drink plenty of water throughout the day. maybe skip that glass or can or bottle of soda or sugary c**p and go for the niiiiiice tall glass of H2O. it should in theory make your urine more clear.

  2. That is your answer. You're sweating a lot and not replenishing with enough fluids. The weed wouldn't be a problem. I've never had a problem smoking it. The more you hydrate your body the lighter the color. When your body starts to dehydrate it gets darker. Keep drinking water !!!! Cut out the caffeine too.  

  3. wow rofl

  4. well a fact thats often over looked is that urine is made up not just from what we drink but also from liquids in the food we eat ..if the body can't use it it goes either two places and the urine is of course one of them..

    So what i am suggesting is that it might be that youre urine contains liquids from some of the food you are eating ...which may explain the coloring.

    Also it could be that you are suffering from some sort of infection that you are unaware of ..if it continues or if you have other symptoms do see a dr asap.

    i can assure you that it isn't the weed ...

    Now you say that you sweat alot because of practice and you should be clean, well not really i understand what you are saying but see most of the toxins in youre body are not in youre skin and muscles they are in youre liver and brain ..

    Try drinking as much bottled water as you can along with juice if you can drink cranberrry juice that will really help youre bladder , but even grape or apple would be good .. check youre urine each time you pee for a few days and see if there is a difference.

  5. It has nothing to do with weed. The darker the color of your pee the more dehydrated you are. Which sounds accurate because you are sweating a lot. When you say your drinking water and its dark you obviously aren't drinking enough because the more water you drink the more diluted your pee is which then changes the color to a more clear pee. When you drink lots of pops and energy drinks. They sugar dehydrates you and turns your pee darker.

  6. 1. Drink more water than u do usual.

    2. probably u hav a p***s infection.

    3. drink more water.



  7. that just means youre not drinking enough water

  8. Your pee will change from white to other colors if you drink anything other than water. That means gatorade and sodas. Also, If you take a supplement it will change your urine color. Creatin or vitamins will do it. Also, things with a lot of food color or nutrients will do it. Its not a bad thing, so dont worry. Weed is not affecting you in that way. Have fun!

  9. dehydration can cause this    Drink more water since you exercise alot.  It isnt the weed.

  10. The more dehydrated you are, and the less water you drink, the darker your urine becomes. There's just less water in your urine and more uric acid.

    The THC from the weed will be undetectable in your urine after 3 or 4 days. It might still be in your hair for 90 days.
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