
My pee is brown! What could be wrong?

by  |  earlier

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K well this just started last night, but today it was brown also. I have been sick for a couple days, with what I think is a cold or a head flu or something. I am just wondering why my pee would be brown and what I should do. I've started to drink a lot of water, but that is it.




  1. You've been drinking too much German beer, just joking, I think you'd better see a doctor real soon.

  2. dark urine is usually traces of blood.

    wat ur describing can be a serious kidney or urinal tract infection.

    i suggest u go to the docter.

  3. it,s probably from what you drink. also it could be infection from the flu.

  4. When your p**s is brown it means you are dehydrated. Drink lots of water and it should clear up. If you go to the hospital all they're going to do is put you on an IV to get you hydrated and then charge you $2,000.

  5. It could be serious. Go see a doctor. It may also be something minor if you have been ill you may have lost water explaining its dark colour

  6. get your *** to a doctor if its brown that means your kidneys are either shutting down or impared in some way as i said


  7. omg

  8. go to the doctor

  9. Drink lLOTS of juice with, antioxidents like pamogranate or cranberry. Lots of water to and go to the doctor to get tested, make sure you don't have a urinary tract infection or kidney infection which occures as a result of a urinary tract infection.

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