
My pelvic ultrasound came up with a sonolucency measuring 2.3x2.1 cm and my ovary measured 3.3 cm ?

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what does this mean I was never told this I had to get it from my reccords that I requested.




  1. In the pelvis, a sonolucent area is the same as an anechoic area.  It means you had an ovarian cyst.  It was a small cyst, and probably was a functional cyst.  From the time you start your menstrual period, until ovulation, we develop functional cysts.  You need these cysts to ovulate.  After ovulation, the cysts rupture.  It happens every month to women who are lucky enough to ovulate.  Your doctor may have ordered a follow up ultrasound, after about 2-3 months, if you experienced pain, especially pain in that side of your lower pelvis.  If a cyst does not ruptures and grows large, you would have experienced pain.

    So, if you are a pre-menopausal woman, your ultrasound was in fact normal.  Some doctors will just say your ultrasound was negative and leave it at that, because some women freak out after hearing things like "sonolucency" or "ovarian cyst".  Is it right for a doctor to do that?  I dunno sometimes.


    In ultrasonography, containing few or no echoes; a misnomer for transonic or anechoic."


    The property of appearing echo-free or without echoes on a sonographic image; a clear cyst appears anechoic."

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