
My pencil is really blunt and uncomfortable to write with, I cant decide if i should buy a sharpenner for ?

by  |  earlier

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49 pence, or some new pencils at 14 pence each.

what would u do.




  1. If the pencils come pre-sharpened, go for the 14 pence pencils...  

    Reason: You must worry about the dangers of inhaling those toxic chemicals from the shavings dust (You may need a 150 pence dust mask), carpel tunnel syndrome from repetitive rotating the pencil in the sharpener (Who knows how much that will cost you in hospital bills, deductibles, plus pain and suffering), and don’t forget about the sharp blade in sharpener, that does get dull, you could create a bad laceration while changing it (more money for Band-Aids, and if you forget the Neosporin), contract some fatal bacteria, and die a slow painful death while the flesh eating bacteria ravish your body all because you saved some money.  

    If you do purchase 49 pence sharpener, just make sure you have a good insurance plan to cover the medical incidents above because you wanted to sharpen your own pencils.

  2. whoa ... splashing out a bit arent we?    

  3. sharpener. give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. teach a man to fish you feed him for life.

    plus in not buying more pencils and sharpening the ones you have already you'll be not adding to the production of pencils needed thus helping trees. you need to think of the trees..

  4. u must be bored....i feel sorry u need online advice for such simple matters, but just to help, id go for the sharpner...

  5. i'd use a pen

  6. Buy some new pencils, and a sharpener, but keep the blunt one, it might come in handy if you want to shade something or use a thick pencil line.

    I also heard its better to sharpen your pencils with a knife.. hmm

  7. umm what the h**l. why dont u ask a real question and stop wasting our time

  8. Wow what do u think , ask urself ? if u ask me i would 49 though....

  9. Since changing to a Wacom pen I've not sharpened many pencils,in both Photoshop and Corel Paint the range of drawing tools is awesome.Most pencils have the same ergonomics,while the digital versions come with several design features. Many of my friends don't like theirs and have only bought them because they thought it was the answer to photoretouchers prayers.There are quite a lot out there that are lying idle for anyone who fancies a free one.

  10. You should definitely get

    a life.

  11. Just take a sharp knife and whittle it down to a point.

  12. New pencils and a sharpenner is what i would do  

  13. get a mechanical pencil

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