
My p***s curves to the left by about 20 degrees how can i fix this?

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My p***s curves to the left by about 20 degrees. it has a bend at the base and the rest is straight. Is this normal? I would prefre it to curve up, how can i do this without surgery, are there any exersices i can do at home?




  1. Duct tape  

  2. It doesn't need to be "fixed", it's perfectly normal.

    I don't think there's any exercise that would help.

    Many women prefer it anyway.

  3. perfectly normal ♣

  4. I concur with Nurse Rosseau..except for my patients I use popsicle sticks and duct tape. Works wonders!

  5. You may have some degree of Peyronies disease. There is no pain with Peyronies and you cannot feel the hardened fat (plaque) under the skin.

    Here is a way you may straighten the curve: you might be able to soften the fatty layer with applications of DMSO. You apply it right on the skin on the side that the p***s is bending toward. It takes many applications, but it will straighten the p***s. Put a just a drop or two each day. You can usually get DMSO at a feed store for animals, especially horses.

    Now some health food stores carry it.  

  6. I don't think peyronies is the answer or a problem, every one I have come in contact leans a little one way or the other. Your p***s is perfectly normal.

  7. Hello, I had the same problem as you when i was younger. There are certain things i have done, which have made my p***s normal. I will share these exercises with you.

    I found the best method is to:

    Place you r p***s in a bench vice, then, tighten to the point that your p***s begins to hurt. at this point, tighten one more revolution. Then jump around for 5 minutes. This should straighten your p***s in a few days. (Do everyday, 3 times a day)

    Good luck  

  8. First of all, it is perfectly normal for a p***s to curve slightly. Mine actually curves to the left as well. But there is a natural way to fix it some, not all the way. Jelqing: Get your p***s halfway erect, apply lubrication, and grip it tightly at the base with the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Slowly slide that hand up the shaft toward the tip, pushing as much blood into your p***s as possible. When you reach the tip, immediately grip the base the same way using the other hand and repeat. Do this nonstop for ten minutes. This will help to expand the parts that need to, so they can match the opposite side. Therefore, the p***s will begin to straighten itself.

    Hope this helps

  9. There's nothing that needs fixing.  Leave it alone or you might mess it up.

  10. swap hands!

  11. Sounds normal to me.

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