
My p***s is 11 inches long ? please help!!!!?

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i am 16 and my p***s is 11 inches long. when i get an errection i feel dizzy. i passed out in school once. why does this happen. What should i think about my p***s. is it something to be ashamed of. is there a way of getting it shortened? please help!!!




  1. like anyone believes that!


  2. I would hate to have an over-sized p***s.

    s*x is always so technical and you hurt your girl often.

    Sorry bud.

  3. Due to your p***s needing more blood than the normal, average person you will often feel dizzy.  However you'll get use to it and well you have 2 more years to go to be legal - go your azz into p**n. Become the next Lexington Steele, Jack Napier, Rico Strong, Richard Mann, Mandingo.

  4. you should go into p**n.

  5. ummm... seriously I  don't know if you're being a wise guy or not... -_-""“ if you're serious (which I highly doubt)... You should drink some more water if u get dizzy like u say...

  6. 11 in. yeah right kid stop sleeping in class and dreaming about a 11 in. p***s.

  7. You could have come up with something more original like "help, my p***s is shaped like a lava lamp, what should I do". Seriously the 10, 11, 12, 13 inch p***s has been done to death!

    BTW, just for future reference, IF you actually had an 11 inch p***s, an erection would have no effect on you feeling dizzy or not. You can loose a pint of blood completely and still be fine. 2-4 oucnes of blood going to your p****r (no matter how big it is) isn't going to cause dizziness. For the 1% of ADULT men in the world that actually have a p***s this large, feeling dizzy doesn't seem to be an issue!

    Nice try...

  8. don't listen to people that say you measured wrong or are dreaming. They just envy you because they dont have one!!!!!!! Your p***s might shrink soon it could just have tooo much blood going in to it. Wait a week more and if it still is the same size go see a doctor, dont be afraid to go he has seen it all before.

  9. ha ha ha  you wish  

  10. I knew a guy with a 12inch...SERIOUS

    Since you are still growing I suggest you talk to your Doctor  about your passing out/dizzyness. You can call The Doctor and he will call you back.To prevent erections in school  you will have to take care of your self in the morning  if you know what i mean. This is why boys take long showers ..You have nothing to be ashamed of .. you will be the ENVY of all the guys in school..and will make some woman  very happy.Don't listen to the p**n suggestions...DISEASE.... Dont even think of trying to shorten you MANHOOD.There are so many guys wishing they had one 1/2 your size.Talk to Dad  too if  he is around he may have had the same problem ( you inherited it from someone ).

  11. Yes. Rejoin reality.

  12. maybe you should wake up from your dreams..

  13. Your are very large: only 4.5% are over 7" and only 1% are over 8" (Lifestyle stats). From 1,500 males the results are as follows:

    1%-----------are 8" when erected (1 out of a 100).

    0.3%--------are 8.25" to 8.5" when erected (3 out of thousand).

    0.1%--------are 8.75" to 9" when erected (1 out of a thousand).

    You may be one in ten thousand or more.  But in a large city there might be a good number of you guys.   Can a p***s be too large?  Here are some comments from some of you.  

    Your p***s is too big, if your woman says it hurts her.

    But not all woman can take the same size of p***s.

    So, the conclusion is:

    -If your partner says it is too big, then it is. For her/him.*x-...

          It only matters to you.

          Too long is when it pokes thru the other side

          Too big is when you have to break bones to get it in.

          Actually too long and too big is when you can't keep it hard because you don't have enough blood to keep it hard.

    So if you are over 8 or 9 inches, too big in my opinion, I hate having my cervix bumped and most guys want to go all the way in.

    I'm just about the same size as you are (length 5", girth 6"), except I'm as thick as you are long and as long as you are thick. When I was younger I didn't have a clue what I was doing and ended up accidentally hurting a couple of girls. One said it was like making love to a fire hydrant. I learned to make sure that they are well lubricated and relaxed first.

    Too large is painful. You can't get into it and are cautious. Average, a little larger than average is the preferable for me. Too bad you can't tell what's there well in advance.

    Dude... listen, you are lucky. I have a 9 ½ inches p***s and it sux unless you plan to be a pornstar (not my case though). It is so annoying the constant complaints of girls. Too big, it hurts, sorry but I am not putting that inside me, that’s as far as you can get... and all kind os excuses to stop me.

    The big p***s thing is one of the most overrated myths ever. If I could choose, I'd definitely rather be smaller. So much for the big d**k thing.

    I have never had s*x with a man who I felt had a p***s that was too small but I have had s*x with a man whose p***s was too large and hurt me.

    I personally prefer the average ones. I think two things when I find out a guy is overly hung. #1-OUCH, that's gonna be a bladder infection. #2-He's not going to do anything special with it because he thinks that having a big one means he will be good at it without trying.

    ok so I’ve been dating his lad for just over a year now and he says he would like to have s*x with me and I thought that was fine so (at home) he pulled out his p***s and to my delight at the time WAS HUGE me messed around and measured it and it came to a whopping 8 inches and 3/4 so almost nine. we joked around about how large it was but coming to putting it in was very embarrassing. it was long which is good but is it possible for it to be too big as no matter how much lubricant we put on so after much embarrassment we stopped.

    Also, anything over 7 inches makes an*l s*x and DT (Deep Throat) impossible to perform!

    my p***s is 9 1/4 inches long and I ind it difficult to get and maintain an erection can anyone help

    a.  I have a feeling this question is for real. The larger the rod, the less hard it will be as you age. You don't state your age, so cannot help a lot. But, if I knew more, I could point you in the right direction. ED is a nasty problem, and there are "cures" for most cases. Good luck

    b.  That’s pretty big, sometimes it's harder to get and maintain an erection when it's larger. You might need to do some exercises to help it, you may need to strengthen your pc muscle.

    c.  my p***s is 8 inches when erect, 4 when not. however, it doesn’t like stand straight. I cant get it to stand straight up, it just sits on my stomach when I have an erection naked and am laying down. need some advice here man.

    And the comments go on and on.  One guy complained that his wife makes him use a donut so he cannot pound it in too far and no passionate thrusts.  Also probably no oral or anal s*x.

    So, in the end, who is the owner of the largest p***s in the world? A 2006 UK Channel 4 documentary called 'The World's Biggest p***s' solved the mystery: it appears to be the New Yorker Jonah Cardeli Falcon (born July 29, 1970). His willy is 9.5 in (24.13 cm) flaccid, 13.5 in (34.29 cm) erect! The average human p***s is 6 in (15 cm) long...

    But the huge p***s is not a blessing. It rather condemns him to loneliness: there's no match babe. He lives with his mom and his whale p***s, without a girlfriend for 12 years.

    On the other hand, Vaginas also come in various sizes like penises. Unexcited the average v****a is 2.5-3" across and 4" deep: excited it expands about 50% plus or minus.   Now there are some ladies (about 18% more or less) who have a larger v****a and need a larger p***s for a good fit.  If you are lucky, you may find a lady with a large v****a.  

    Buy the way, just as there is nothing that safely increases the size of the p***s (short of surgery and is that safe?) there is nothing to make it smaller.  No matter for shame; it's just genes.  Good luck.

  14. No be proud you lucky guy

  15. better duct tape that thing to your leg.  

  16. dude i would love to see all that c**!!

  17. wake yourself up

  18. Ok. If you really are that big then you may run into some problems later if you arent in p**n.  It can hurt the girl your with.  Your best bet is to get into p**n.  Those girls dont seem to mind!

  19. As for measuring, make sure you don't start measuring from your a^&Hole. Feeling dizzy, get off the drugs that make you think you have a 11" pianist.

  20. Presuming your story to be true:

    1. Masturbation before school is not enough to control spontaneous erections during the day.

    2. Consider wearing a jock and looser fitting pants to hide potential unintended bulges.

    3. Penile blood flow is not voluminous enough to cause you to get dizzy during an erection due to concentrated blood flow. So, if you really have that problem, go see your doctor.

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