
My p***s is 8 inches but i was just wondering if there is anyway to get it bigger without medical procedure.

by  |  earlier

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Nor any pills




  1. the average is like 6 and 1/2, appreciate what you have.

    it's quite a good size as it is.

    bigger than 8 might actually be quite painful, depending if the girls a p**n star on not.   (:


    i bet its about 4 inches and your just saying this so some "ladies" will be like" omg thats so big why do you want to make it bigger"

    dont be stupid

    Seriously GROW UP

  3. 8 inches is a good size, why would you want it bigger?

  4. if you get it bigger, your gonna hurt someone.


  5. Nick, when you showed me it last night, it was no more than 4".

    Stop lying.

  6. Not to worry mate! The ladies are used to the small ones!

  7. Why would you want to do that??  Your p***s is already 2 inches bigger than average.  Any woman would be happy with that much wood!  LOL.  

  8. Tie a string to it, then tie a concrete block to the string, drag it behind you for the rest of your life.

  9. Cut your p***s off, store it in a jar.

  10. Use a hammer, it will become flat and bloody, but you'll get the length you desire.

  11. hahaha dude, it doesn't need to be any bigger, do you reallly want to wrap it around your leg JUST so you can put on a pair of pants?


    8" is fineeee

  12. I wouldn't get it bigger, my boyfriends is as long as yours and holy c**p does he get deep in me...

  13. You're doing a good job being a comedian bro.

  14. wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... why r you even asking this retarded question!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?...

  15. Stick it into a hot clay oven.

  16. No, there isn't.

  17. i think he meant 8 centimeters

  18. I love how no one just answers the question. But yes I do recall seeing an advertisement for what essentially was a brace. You have to wear it for something like 6 hours a day. It basically just stretches you. I would hunt it down for ya, but I'm at work so I would probably be fired. GOOGLE IT.

  19. Why would you want it any bigger?

  20. Why would you want it longer?! A woman's v****a is only 4 inches long! That's 4 more inches just danglin' out there! Unless you're an aspiring p**n star, don't do it!

  21. muscle enhanccers like muscle milk nd ****

    then move it like work it u no how u guys do it

    every guy i date that has taken steriods or muslce milks nd **** there d**k was like huge lol

  22. Your size is ok,why would you want it bigger.

  23. no need, 8 inches is great :)

  24. put it in my *** mannnn put it in my *** mannnn

  25. youre complaining about 8 inches? whats wrong with you? how old are you? you have more than enough.  

  26. If there were a way, sports cars dealerships would be gone in a heartbeat.

    Even if phalloplasty were half-way perfected, the sports car would be gone because middle-aged men would be spending their money on it instead of the red hot-rod.

  27. s*x ABUSER!!!!

  28. why do you want to get your p***s bigger?

    your just gonna hurt more girls..or guys.. which will make it less pleasurable for them.

  29. just so you know, it doesnt matter how long your p***s is, but rather the girth. duh!

  30. what are you into that S&M pain infliction stuff or something? cuz anyone you pound with 8 inches of d**k [girl or guy] is gonna endure some pain. 8 is enough not NEARLY too small and almost too big

    now you just need to make sure you have girth cuz what good is a long p***s if it's skinny?

  31. hahahhaha  no dude, take some pills for it

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