
My p***s is slowly oozing infection and it itch/burns... what could i have and what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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i was well doing it and tha condom broke n a few days after the itching and burning started...what could i have is it curable? and who should i go see?




  1. wow..that was worth repeating three times. Well, go to a Dr. there are many things it could be, and most likely you'll need a medication of some sort.

  2. Definitely sounds like chlamydia. you need to see a doctor asap and when i say asap i mean now. my friend had the same thing happen and he waited thinking it would go away and ended up getting an even worse infection. You ever seen a grown man cry...I have and it aint pretty. Pissin razors!!

  3. you need to tell youre dad and go see a dr  but you need to see a dr asap

  4. you could have an STD. u really should talk to ur family doctor before it gets out of control

  5. That doesn't sound too good my friend.

    Don't wait for it to 'clear up' on its own. Go to your physician or you can also get tested and treated at any Planned Parenthood clinic.  

  6. Maybe Chlamydia. If so, it is curable but you need antibiotics.

  7. Go see your doc. Sounds like you need some antibiotics!! ASAP

  8. Head to the doctor as soon as possible.

    Could be something simple.

    Could be something fatal.

    Doctors are the best bet you have.

    Best of luck to you.

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