
My p***s only about 4.8 inches when erect. my height is 1.64m & weight is 60 kg.. is my p***s too short?

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i am asian... i am so shy to take out my short in the locker room.. anybody out there have the same problem?




  1. The average American is only 4.5-5.0 inches. In fact, a lot of American males would admit having a 4.0 inch p***s. So there's nothing to worry about.

  2. You are just FINE ; don't swear it !! Hey ... Try Reading THIS: As far as size goes ... ....

    p***s size is determined by genetics ....

    ... There have been numerous studies done to determine what the "Average" size of the male p***s is and NOT any two of those studies gave the same results ....

    Back in 1990 Men's Health did a study on the Average size of the Adult male p***s and decided that it was just at 6 Inches ...

    Just six years later ... The Journal of Urology did their survey and came up with an Average of 5.08 Inches for the Adult Male p***s ..

    Then in 2000 ; The Journal for Impotency Research did their study and found Average to be 5.35 Inches .... while that same year, Lifestyles Condoms did a study that came up with 5.9 Inches ....

    Cool Nurse in 2007 said that 6.1 Inches to 6.5 inches. However; they even admits that they feel that the participants LIED as they measured their own penises without a monitor etc ... so their results need to be discounted to a certain degreee ....

    Some say the Lifestyles study is WRONG because they only used 500 men ; while the other studies did at least 5,000.

    NOTE: That until the age of 20-22 ; MOST males and their p***s will continue to grow .... However ... a p***s can stop growing at any age as can your height .. they both don't have to stop and / or continue at the same time.

    With all things considered ... Most Authorities now say that the AVERAGE Male "ADULT" p***s is 5.2 to 5.5 Inches when fully erect ....

    So; ya' see ..... YOUR p***s can "maybe" STILL grow !!!

  3. i think it's normal for asians

  4. you got problems i'm black and 14 and i'm 5 foot nine and i got one 6 and a half inches when arrect its just different in diffrent people



    Women need an emotional bonding to really peak during s*x and a lot of foreplay...s*x is just like the finishing dont worry abt the length too much...

    Mine is 6.5" at peak so I am pretty ok with what I have but have realized along the way pleasure for a girl has nothing to do with the size

  6. Mine is the same length as yours, my height is 1.7m and weight is 68 kg.  I'm not Asian but Hispanic.

    Mine stopped growing at 19.  

    Yours probably looks better on you than mine on me.  

    BTW, mine is 5" in girth, I've been told my girth makes up some for it being short.

  7. You're a little on the small size, but it's not embarrassingly small.  I promise you can please a woman with your size.  I was about that size when I first had s*x and I received no complaints - not about my size anyway - LOL!  Even if you're 21, it is possible that you may grow more if you were a late starter.

  8. no i dont have a problem. but don't worry about it you have enought to pleas a girl well. no worries man

  9. im 17 n mine 10 wen im hard maybe yer jus little lol try some XO Maxx dat mite work fer yew lol

  10. Your p***s may be a little on the small side (the average is 5.5"), but I don't think it is something to be concerned about. Being Asian has nothing to do with feeling shy in the locker room. Lots of men feel embarrassed about undressing in front of other people. Try to find a cubicle to change in. or cover yourself with a towel if this is a real problem for you.

  11. i am also asian (indian) my p***s is 7in and i am turning 16. i dont understand all my other indian friends have your kind of p***s length.

  12. You just need to find an Asian girl...we're tiny so it'll feel good to most of us. ^^ <3 And as cliche as it sounds, size isn't s*x is just as emotional (if not more) than it is physical..if you can bring your girl to edge before you even penetrate her then it doesn't matter if you're 2 inches!

  13. Why don't people get it that with women, it's all about GIRTH (thickness) not the length??

    Since all the sensations with women down there are located at the entrance the length isn't important. It's how you treat her that counts.

    Don't be ashamed. You're fine.

  14. having a big 1 isnt every thing you know  

  15. If you are a teen it will grow a little more dont worry your about average which average is 5 inches for asians

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