
My pereiod came 1 day after....?

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He you me and I was wondering if I am more at risk of pregnancy then or am I okay...I am 26 years old and I alreadyhave 1 child and need some reassurance




  1. I think the first person didn't understand the question.  I will re-state it, You are wanting to know if you had s*x the day before your period, if it is poss. for you to get pregnant? right?

    It is pos. to get pregnant anytime of the month, every woman is different and every woman ovulates at different times during the month, no 2 people are the going to have the same cycles.  My best-friend has gotten pregnant the day before her period both times!! So i would say, get a test in a couple weeks!!  But, if you don't ovulate right before your period, then you are fine!! Just have to wait it out, and i know that stinks!!!!!

  2. If you have already gotten your period and you had s*x the day before it started then no you can not conceive from that act of s*x.  

    The only day you get can pregnant is when you ovulate. The day you ovulate, your body releases the egg.  Ovulation occurs 10 -16 days prior to when your period starts.  It is different for each woman.  

    The egg lives a maxium of 24 hours. However, sperm can live up to five days in fertile cervical mucus but most live three days. Your fertile phase is the 3-4 days prior to ovulation, the day of ovulation and the day after you ovulate. If you have s*x anytime during this time, you have the possibility of conceiving.  

    The day of ovulation can change each cycle.  Anything can affect when ovulate:  stress, illness, travel, exercise, etc....However, regardless of what cycle day you ovulate on your period would arrive 11 to 17 days later.  

    The reason why people say there is always a possibility you could get pregnant at any time is because the day of ovulation can change in each cycle.  However, if you have already gotten your period then you can be  accurate in your assumption that if you had s*x anytime in the 8 days prior to your period, those acts of s*x could not result in conception because the egg was already gone by then.  

  3. i think at 26 years old you should really be typing a full sentence and typing the actual word you mean. i'm assuming you mean he 'came' in you?

    i dont understand your confusion as you dont say how long your cycles are or anything. please give more info. yes you will be at risk of pregnancy if you have unprotected s*x. christ almighty at 26 and already have one child you should know this!

  4. The chances of you getting pregnant the day before your period is due is small, but there is always that chance. You should always use protection if you don't want to get pregnant. Having unprotected s*x then withdrawing before your partner ejaculates is a very very unreliable form of contraception. There is a small amount of sperm that will leave his p***s during s*x, and it's enough to get you pregnant. You should see your doctor and ask them for a reliable form of contraception

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