
My period is 9 days late i did 2 home pregnancy test both came out positive does that mean im pregnant??

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My period is 9 days late i did 2 home pregnancy test both came out positive does that mean im pregnant??




  1. it sure does..false positives are not common

  2. Most likely, make a doctor's appointment and get a blood test done.

  3. More than likely yes but the only way to be sure is to see a doctor. Good luck and congrats.  

  4. absolutley! if a test comes out positive it is very very rare for it to be wrong as it has to find the hcg hormone.  

    good luck x  

  5. Yeah!!!

  6. Why don't you call your OB and make an appointment.

  7. The test they do in the doctor's office is the same kind you buy at the store.  If 2 tests were positive, then you are most certainly pregnant.

  8. uh, yah......

  9. sounds like it  

  10. more than likey yes but see ur doc and get  ablood test....more than likey u r.CONGRATS

  11. oohh yes!!! congradulations book your self in at the doctors  

  12. umm lets see, the pregnancy tests said you were pregnant. then YES YOUR PREGNANT  

  13. You are most likely pregnant but it is possible that you are not, home pregnancy tests are not 100% so you should go to a doctor and have them do a test because that way you can be sure. If you don't want to wait for an appointment you can probably go to an urgent care clinic and they can do it there.

  14. A blood test is the only sure test.  See your doctor.  Store bought tests have a failure rate.  Check the expiration date on the test boxes.

  15. maybe, but to be certain, see your doc!

  16. Yes!! Congratulations. If you need any extra reassurance you could get a test done by your GP (which you will probably get done anyway when you go to let the GP know of your home tests).

    Wishing you a healthy pregnancy!

  17. your a genius huh

  18. Yep,

  19. yes or they would have been negative.

  20. Ummmm That's a tough question????  Let me really think about this one, ummmm YES! Stop the denial and make a doctor's appt.  Your going to be a Mommy!  Congratulations

  21. Congratulations.  Sounds like you are expecting a little one.

  22. yes

  23. Yeppers, your preggers. I hope that this is something you were wanting to happen. Congrats!!

  24. If your periods late and you took a test then sweetie congratulations you are a mom

  25. Congratulations Mommy!

  26. False positives are extremely rare, so I think it's safe to say Yes you are! Congrats!

  27. Most likely. If you took 2 pregnancy tests and the BOTH came out positive it's a pretty good chance that you are.

  28. yep

    you most likely are

    make a dr appointment


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