
My period is acting abnormal, could something be wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I am 24 years old, so my period has been normal and regular for a while. Well last month i started my period as usual, it only lasts for 4 days. After it was done everything was ok. About a week later i started lightly bleeding. Not heavy, which is how my period usually is, a light bleeding. This con tined all the way up till my next period started, which i started about a little over a week ago and i am still bleeding. This is not normal for me, my period only lasts 4 days. As I said before i am usually heavy. This time it was extremely the point where even super plus tampons aren't enough. I have to change every hour for about a week. The last day or so it has been just slightly less but still heavy and should already have been done. I know a doctor a long time ago said clots where normal but on this period they are at a tremendous rate. For example: I had one the other day that was almost as big as the palm of my hand. I am sorry to be so blunt about all that is happening but it isn't normal and I would like to know if I should worry about it or if nothing may not be wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I would advise you to check this out with your Doctor or nurse as it does sound a bit extreme, it could be a number of things that are nothing to worry about,but, it could also be an indicator that there is something going on that may need treating. Is there a chance that you became pregnant?or are you taking any medication that could have affected your periods? Both things to consider and for your own peace of mind i think you ought to check with professional. good luck xx

  2. My mom used to bleed very heavily.  She went to the doctor to have it checked out and she had to have a minor procedure.  I don't want this to worry you but if this continues you should contact a doctor.  

  3. I don't want to scare you or anything, but my mom had dealt with something similar and she waited a really long time before she saw her doctor. It resulted in taking out her uterus because she had a lot of fibers. Her's was a lot worse but I suggest you go see your doctor ASAP because I don't want you to make the same mistake as my mom did. Don't wait!!!

  4. I would see a doctor for reassurrance.

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