
My period is due in 5 days! I have been spotting off and on last couple of days am I pregnant?

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Dark brown spotting on Thursday

Light red spotting on Friday night after s*x with my husband

no spotting over the weekend

spotting returned today brown again

Took a clearblue early result pregnancy test this morning it was negative. i will wait to take another one on Friday if I don't get my period.

My cycles are pretty regular and this has never happened before




  1. wait a few more days and take another hpt


  2. I am currently experiencing the same thing. I had brownish/pinkish spotting (only when wiping) 6dpo and then again 9 & 10dpo. I am currently 11dpo and received a bfn this morning.

    How many days post ovulation are you? And when is af due?

    Af is due tomorrow or possibly wed. for me. I am a 27-28 day cycle girl.

    I don't have an answer for you but I too am wondering the same thing. Maybe together we can find out. Good luck!!!

  3. Wait until its time for your period.  If it doesn't come, or it doesn't seem normal, or if you still feel you may be pregnant (you can be pregnant and have a period), take a test a few days afterwards.

  4. My period is due Friday also but I haven't had no spotting yet normally I spot a day or so before AF comes hopefully this be my month I'm not worried if I am or not I'll just try again.

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