
My period is late 3 days !!!!!!?

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I was suppose to get my period on 08/30 and its been 3 days and nothing. I even did a pregnancy test yesterday and it came out negative.. I have been having unprotected s*x. Can anyone help????




  1. Uh chill it's 3 days. If it was a month or two that would be bad, but it's only 3 days. O_o

  2. ok you need to calm down stress make your period late, take another preg test in 2-3 days

  3. I love how everyone keeps telling you to calm down. Her period is already late you idiots! Its not like its going to not come twice. Shes stressed because its late. Calming down wont help you if your knocked up. What the h**l is wrong with you, the fact that your having s*x at 15 is ridiculous! But to have unprotected s*x OMG how dumb are you. I hope you are pregnant just so you reap what you sow. If by some chance your not, keep your legs closed and wait till your married.

  4. HCG levels usually become detectable in the urine about 10 days after conception. If you take a urine pregnancy test less than 10 days after conception, a home pregnancy test may give a false negative response. This means it will show you are not pregnant when you in fact are.

    hCG is released into the body by the placenta when a woman is pregnant. This hormone is also responsible for causing some of the initial symptoms of pregnancy such as breast tenderness and nausea.

    My mom say's  women should wait 5-10 days after their period is officially late before taking the tests to ensure accuracy. If the test is negative, wait a few more days. If menstruation still doesn't begin, take the test again.

    some tips to do before taking test...........

    1. Use your first morning urine because hCG levels is high at that time or make sure your urine had been in your bladder for at least 4 hours.

    2. Do not drink excessive amounts of fluids before the test to increase the volume of urine. This could dilute the hCG levels.

    U can take blood test also,but u have to wait for the result to come.

  5. sorry to burst your bubble  but:

    I thought I was pregnant when Gracie was 3 months old. I was freaking out, so I took a test. Negative. I was so happy, until my period never came. Re-took a test. Positive. Now I am 20 weeks pregnant with another girl and I have a 7 month old. So calm down and take another test. Just  because it was negative the first time, doesn't mean it will be negative the next. Now, don't get me wrong, maybe you aren't pregnant, and your period is just late. but still, I would take another test

  6. oh god three days... that really isnt late. Have a pregnancy test agin in about two weeks

  7. calm down and retake the test

  8. What are you 15 years old. If you are not planning on having a baby why are you having unprotected s*x?  Have your parents avoided the s*x talk with you. Go talk to your health teacher about the birds and the bees.

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