
My period is not on time but i am sure i am not pregnant

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I am 14. My period is late this month, and before this month i have 2 periods in a month. I start my period when i was 11, I am sure i am not pregnant because i haven't had s*x or anything. And my lower stomach area where my womb is, its hurting this few days, i thought the period will come but every time i check it didn't. And my tummy is alway feel heavy. but i am very normal, my lifestyle, my diet, and i have not losing weight. I am very scared. Will it be stress? Becuase i always think i am pregnant when is late, does that affect it? But i didn't had s*x before.




  1. RafaelSolomon

    Don’t be afraid there is no reason to get pregnant if you haven’t had s*x yet. There are lots of reason remain behind the missed period, however, for most women, it generally known to be sign of pregnancy. But there might be many reasons such as hormonal imbalance, emotional stress, increased exercise, some illness, long travel, illegal medicines etc. I think you should ask your doctor, if they will find any problem then definitely suggest some pathology tests performed through the help of tools provided by to reach the root cause of problem. Knowing the reason for period to be late is the first step to get effective treatment.

  2. That happens it is normal is not that you are pregnant or anything if you're tummy has been hurting you are going to have you're period any day anytime sometimes it could come very late if i were you i would not worry about it is OK!

  3. you should go get it check out

  4. I'm gonna say it's probably stress. But at 14 i think you shouldn't be having s*x much less to be worrying about missed period.  And since your having s*x at 14 didn't you use protection and i'm really hoping you did. I'm not your mom and i'm not trying to be but since you decide to have s*x make sure to protect yourself at all times and be careful, but rest assured it probably stress causing to come late since you did have s*x this time ok.

  5. theres no chance your pregnant , i would go tell your mom, there may be something else wrong.

  6. well, if you don't have s*x, you should never think you are pregnant, so don't worry about having a baby then....... It would be impossible if you truely aren't having s*x. If you are concerned about a late period you can always see the doctor.

  7. you cannot possibly be pregnant if you havent had s*x.  

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