
My period problem help!?

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Okay so on the friday the 13th this summer i got my period for the first time and i wore a tampon everyday and i did everything right. I had it for a few days like a normal period. But i havent gotten it since and school is coming up so i am worried ill get it randomly like i did last time. Whats going on? And did i do something to mess it up? Oh and i am 13 soon to be 14 on november 19. Going in to 8th grade


please help

i am really worried




  1. look go to a doctor and check it out, maybe there is like a pill or something

  2. aw! don't worry about it. you'll be fine! the first time you get it it's abnormal for like the first 1 or 2 years! bc your body is adjusting to it! if this doesnt help try talking to your mom! or go see a doctor!

    hope this helped : )

  3. u probably have an irregular period. thats when u have your period and dont get it again for a few months. alot of girls get this after there first period. i did. wear a pad when u think your gonna get it really soon. good luck and dont worry!

  4. No you did not mess anything up... everything is normal. Sometimes when you just start getting your periods you can be irregular. It will take sometime before you actually start having regular cycles. Just start bring pads or tampons with you to school... keep them in your locker or backpack so that if it does happens there you will be prepared.  

  5. Go to the doctor. They'll put you on the pill (Y)

  6. Oh dont worry it was your first period! for the first 2 years or so of it, it will be freakishly irregular, you might get it 3 times in one month, then not have it for 5, then gte it again super light!

    So wear panty liners, you cant see them at all, and if you DO get your period it catches the first drops, then put in the tampon! my school starts in 4 days and i just got my ******* period. damnit lol.

    but good for you for doing tampons instantly, i just started them and im soo pissed at myself for not using them before!


  7. When you first get your period, your cycle is not regular. Your next period could come after 2 weeks or 2 months, or even longer. So yes, it will probably come randomly again. Just be prepared and you'll be fine. Every woman stains their underwear a lot at first...

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