
My period should start on 28th and i'm in clomid ..I took a pregancy test on 21st could i still be pregant?

by  |  earlier

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we are should I take a home pregnancy test are wait till I miss my period?




  1. The earliest a pregnancy test might work is 10dpo, which should put you at 4 days before your expected period, it looks like you tested a week ahead of time hang in there and test again when your period is late. Good Luck!

  2. I am supposed to start on the 28th as well .  My tests have been negative but I know it's too soon.  Wait until you miss your period or you will drive yourself crazy like I am.

  3. You tested too early.  It would not have been accurate.

    Wait until your missed period, then test again.  Good luck.

  4. Retest either the day that your period is due or the day after this is the earliest that you can test and be accurate. Even the early response tests will tell you that they are less than 50% accurate when taken before your expected period. You could still be pregnant and I know that it is hard to have patients to wait, but trust me good things come to those who wait.

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