
My period starts on the 10th,l can i take a pregnancy test now?

by  |  earlier

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been TTC for the past year, in the past year i was on weight watchers and i noticed my cycle was totally off.. and i decided to quit weight watchers, and for some odd reason, my cycle hopped back right to normal, and.. i'm hoping this is it?

my birthday is next week, wouldn't that be a really neat b-day present? :D




  1. Some women are able to get a positive this early, but most aren't.  I know mine always take until I'm 5 weeks past conception to come back positive, so if you take one soon, don't get too discouraged if it's negative!  Good luck to you!

  2. I think that you should wait until at least Friday before you test that way the pregnancy hormone can be detected. Baby dust to you  

  3. most pregnancy tests wont detect the pregnancy until like 2 maybe 3 days before your period is supposed to be... wait until the weekend and then take dont want to take it; it be negative btu than you find out you actually are... so just wait (:

  4. Hi, I'm due on the same day and, I was wondering the same thing, Hope you get your BFP!!! Keep us updated =)

  5. You are in the window to take an early test. I would at least wait until the morning so you could use FMU to get the most accurate result. I know what you mean about the birthday. We have been ttc for a few months and we thought we got it right this past cycle and if we did we would have gotten a BFP last week and my husbands birthday was yesterday so we were talking about how it would be the best birthday present. We werent that lucky and are now on to a new cycle to try again. I hope you get your BFP birthday present! baby dust!

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