
My period still has not come!

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Im 15, and i had s*x. but i used a condom. This was about a week ago, and i shoud have gotten my period a couple days after. But have not yet. I usually get cramps and my back hurts right before it as well, and i get extra moody. However none of that has happened. Instead i feel like im peeing alot more, and im bloated....HELP!




  1. if youre actually pregnant, all you can do is tell your parents, you may as well becuase you can't hide a big stomach. if you are not pregnant and its just a late period, then let this be a lesson to you. just becuase you used a condom or took birth control doesnt mean your completely safe from pregnancy. youre only 15 years old, why are you trying to ruin your life? youre suppose to be having fun and hanging out with your friends instead of worrying about being pregnant at such a young age.

  2. pregnancy test.

  3. Don't worry too much. If the condom didn't break then you should be okay.  I always think I'm pregnant and I am always fine.  You really shouldn't be having s*x at such a young age! Seriously think about how much you want to have s*x if you are gonna worry this much after every time you do it.

  4. Take a pregnancy test.  

  5. happened to my friend, it came eventually, he almost committed suicide he was so depressed about his girlfriend almost being pregnant

  6. Are you saying you never had your period? or you never got your period after s*x. Its good you used a condom, but your only 15..anyway, the best thing is to see a doctor. Or talk to your mom about it. If your saying you never got your period yet, it does vary in age...but as 15 ..yeah Se a doctor

  7. Maybe your periods are just late.  But, just to be safe, you need to take a pregnancy test.  And using a condom doesn't always mean u won't get pregnant. They slip right off sometimes and even rip without either person finding out.  I hope you get your period soon.

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