
My period was 2 weeks long and iv just finished my pack of pills, iv got all my preg symptoms i had with my?

by  |  earlier

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last pregnancy, i dont know when im due to be on my period tho i just know i bled for 14 vdays then i took my contraceptive pill for a month so does this mean i was due on 2 weeks ago or now my pill has finished ive only been on the pill for 1 month




  1. Your body will take time to adjust to the pill, maybe  afew months, before it over rides your normal cycles usually. If you haven't had unprotected s*x before you should have, 2-3 weeks of non red, then it shoudl be cool. However remember the pill is only 97% or 98 % proof. There a number of different types for different body types weights but they all throw your body's system emotions and chemical out of  wack. See your Dr if not sure, as taking the pill when pregant can have an effect on baby if continued to take for long period.

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