
My period wont stop? Help please?

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I had my period for 1 week now and its still bleeding but only bleed a little bit not much, my mom think is serious and my sister think that i can have cancer?? is it a normal thing that i have my period for more then a week because usally i think we only have it for 3-4 days. should i go to the doc?....i'm only 13 and i dont feel any pain cramps or anything i'm normal. what should i do? i'm kinda worry




  1. a regular period lasts 3 to 10 days

  2. You do NOT have cancer! I remember in junior high a lot of my friends and I got periods that lasted for weeks. Then sometimes 2 weeks later, we'd get 'em AGAIN! It sucked, but it will even out as you get older. There are a few things that can give you long heavy periods - fibroids are one - but because you are 13, it is much more likely you've just got a wacky cycle.

    That said, make an appt with a gyn anyway. If you're getting your period, you should start going once a year, and she will be able to answer all your questions and set your mind at ease.  

  3. your fine, it could last as long as 10 days!

  4. dont worry your fine!!!

    my sister has it for 2 week.and i have mine for 8 days im light too my sister is heavy but shes fiine so no need too worry!

  5. you might be anemic

  6. i agree...if it lasts MORE than 10 days go to the DOC!

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