
My peripheral visions gets blurred at times, should I get an eye exam?

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Hello. So I've been experiencing blurred vision around my peripheral vision for the past couple of months, and occasionally, I can't read sentences at a distance. It's becoming much more of a nuisance because I started reading much more frequently, and I've noticed that (afterwords) my eyes are really dry, and it takes a while for them to focus on something.

I was wondering if I should get an eye exam? And, if so, should I stop rubbing my eyes because it just makes the blur worse.

(I'm 25 and a digital artist. I've notice it's really hard for my eyes to focus on the computer monitor frequently.)




  1. Get the eye exam, the peripheral vision could be a first symptom of something that needs to checked out!

    The other things I can give some reasons for (see below) but get the eye exam!

    Due to the type of work you do you will notice some difficulty re-focusing after a long period doing close work.

    With that type of work, every half hour or so you should take a vision break on look off in the distance.

    Doing close work, your eye muscles have to work like closing a fist. So just imagine keeping your fist closed tight for a couple hours and then try opening your hand. Same situation with your eyes.

    Dryness same thing, your blink rate reduces with concentrated work, take a break.

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