
My pet budgie (new today) swings its' head from left to the back of his head, and bangs its' head on the roof

by  |  earlier

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what on earth is wrong with it? it seems psycho... it twists its' head after pulling on a chain dangling from the cage normally....




  1. Hello Ready ...  Right it is ( just?) bored, afraid & lonely.  You like to be kept in a cage. Flying around landing behind furniture, hitting the wall. A Bird needs company, like Talk, sing, whistle, play bird song. If there is sunny place, screened porch thats good. Needs bath area, grit or sand to eat for crop. Toys, read bird book and it will check you out.  Grabing is not good for it.

  2. First of all, you can determine the gender of your budgie by looking at the colour of it's nose. It may seem bizarre, but it's true. Budgie's genders are determined by their cere. If the nose is blue-coloured, it is a male. If it is pink, rose, or tan-coloured, then it is a female.

    Male budgies are known to be more loud, and more energetic. Females are usually not as much, and they do talk, yet less then males, USUALLY. Of course, I hope you keep in mind that all budgies are unique personality wise, as we humans are.

    Now, just because your budgie is behaving like that doesn't mean he/she is "physco". Budgies behave like that when they are playing around. They shake their heads around, and run across the perches. The behaviour may seem more normal when they are in contact with other budgies. Be sure to not keep two males together in a cage, it causes a lot of problems, and had for me too. The result was the death of one of my male budgies, & nearly the death of my poor female budgie (who I thankfully got to just in time).

    The chain thing is normal as well, he/she is just playing with it. Go to the petshop & get it a swing with a mirror attached. He/she will feel like they have another budgie in the cage. As well, when you get home, spend some time with it, just talking to it, so it doesnt get lonely.

    It may sound awkward to talk to your pets, but birds are very social creatures, and you can evidently see that simply by looking out your window. By taking it away from its kind, you should atleast spend some time with the poor thing. Maybe once you save up enough, and learn enough about budgies, get him/her a playmate. Please be careful to not get a male if your budgie is a male. It causes a lot of fighting and it can honestly get more violent later on.

    Good luck & have fun with your new little budgie. I honestly love mine to death :) Whenever I go to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner, they all jump to the feeders and start eating while watching me. When I get up, they stop eating too, haha! :) They'll be your little pals, once you get to know each other well enough!

  3. its just bored. mine does that all the time when i come home from school. play with it more often.

  4. maby its because it doesnt like its cage or its trying to get use to the new place.

  5. It's not psycho - it's bored and probably scared of you.  Just keep talking to it gently.  After a couple of weeks, put your hand in the cage and touch its tummy with your finger.  Just let it get used to you slowly.  If you can pick it up, then let it tunnel through your hands - hand over hand - to get used to being handled.  No sudden movements or loud noises.  Budgies are very sociable birds so if it's on its own, it will get very lonely and bored if it doesn't have any toys and doesn't get any attention.  They like shiny things - it's already playing with the chain you gave it.  Maybe a bell and a mirror too.

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