
My pet kangaroo Edward wants to attend the World Youth Day, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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He wants to see the Pope, George Pell, and attend the concert.




  1. haha :)

  2. Let him hop on to the "flying kangaroo" and go. Not sure he will get to see the Pope though. Is he high enough to see over the  crowd ? Is he a Big Red? IF he is an eastern bush , he will be hopping mad as he won't be tall enough.

  3. make sure he's a baptised Catholic

  4. Take him with you!

    Maybe the pope will bless him.. haha

  5. haha, let him!

  6. omgosh my pet koala, emily, wants to go also!! although she isnt catholic but she wants to help ease the popes concerns that the catholic church is diminishing in numbers hence the reason for the world youth day (week).

    but im pretty sure both our animals would end up being the star attraction and would get in easy. the pope might get a bit jealous tho that all the pilgrams are paying more attention to them rather than him.

    but hay.

    maybe our pets would be better at spreading the message that like kangaroos and koalas, we also should not use contraceptives and deal with the consequences of having s*x.

    but then again. maybe this could all be a big joke.

  7. Your kangaroo needs to be in counselling. Only an animal with a serious mental health problem would want to attend world youth day. Is he under the impression that he is also a youth? Perhaps you need to stop his caffeine rations for a week or two, and make him read the collected papal encyclicals for 24 hours at a stretch until he sees reason.

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