
My pet kill tw of my friends but i dont no what to do help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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should i shoot him or put him down




  1. Your pet has killed two people?  You generally don't see that kind of behavior in the standard model.  Either you're full of ****, or you have a zombie for a pet.

    Zombies are best euthanized via headshot.  Douse the body in a 1:1 solution of bleach and water to avoid leaving viral matter at the location you choose for the shooting.

  2. Kill him he is visious i mean he killed teo ppl r u sure he doesnt have rabies

  3. Dig a Hole, Jump in it, and shoot yourself, in the mean time of digging the hole, GET A LIFE!

  4. donate him to the nearest shopping mall and report him to the doggy police but firstly give him some bones to chew on.

    unless its not a dog.

    then i don't know.

  5. what ??????????

  6. Shoot yourself, please.

  7. No - don't do that!!!  Just get new friends!!!

  8. put him down!

    shooting him is animal abuse

    no one should deserve to die by shooting!

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