
My pet mouse is peeing blood!

by  |  earlier

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Somehow puff snuck out of her cage yesterday. I tried all the old fashon ways of getting him to come in, putting his house out etc etc but it didnt work.. tonight i decided ill just chase her till i get her becausei was getting worried about her not drinking/eating.. This process took 2 hours of running around... when i finally get her back she takes a wizz on my hand but instead blood comes out... Could this be from the stress and shortage of food and water? because it didnt happen before or is it possible i injured her during the chase.. Either way im probably taking her to a vet tomorrow just wanna see what u guys think!




  1. Find out the gender of it First.And the reason I think its peeing blood is that maybee when it was out of the cage it ate some thing bad.Such as a carrot, carrots dont seem bad but when u eat it right away it makes u hot but steamed carrots don't make u hot.Thats wat happened to my rabbit she started eating a whole bunch of carrots and started peeing blood.

  2. take her to the vet

    you wont get very accurate answers on here

  3. maybe you should take him to the vet you may have hurt him and then again he might of ate something and either hurt the stomach or the espoagus then maybe it might be in the kidneys

    but you should take him to the vet right away hope i helped

  4. could be stigmata wounds (bleeding like christ), i would suggest a steady diet of cheetohs!

  5. Maybe she having her period

  6. Period time for mouseykins aww poor ting  

  7. Is this mouse a girl or a boy? you dont seem sure.

  8. It's very likely she is having her period. Try taking her to the vet and make sure. But, as it IS a female, yes I would suggest it's her period. I hope she gets better :)

  9. take it to a vet and find out the s*x first.

  10. It seems your hamster is a female.

    I know it sounds gross, but she's probably just having a period.

    I've had 3 female hamsters and they all did it.

    Hope I could help :)

  11. pregnant?  

  12. Carry it to the vet!

  13. no one will know for sure here you should just take her to the vet and see what they have to say about it

    good luck!!!!


  14. well...thats good that you are that worried about her because she could have died...if you didnt chase her and catch her...but yeahh the best thing would be to take her o the vet...

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