
My pet rabbit keeps "burrowing" her litter box...?

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Hey all,

I currently have an ISSUE with My bunny..she is 3 years old in October..

. Basically for the past week or so, I have changed her litter and noticed that at night (2,3,4,in the morning) she will scratch scratch and scratch away at her litter pan, and kick out everything inside!!! She will literally kick and burrow through and not stop. I came home today and she will be sitting there and all the litter is on the floor and not IN hte do I make her stop this?





  1. Well it's normal for rabbits to dig, it's what they do. What I suggest doing is give her other things to dig (phones books, old blankets you don't mind getting a little dirty), keep her mind occupied. I noticed my rabbit loves jumping in and out of tunnels so I bought him a cat tunnel.

    Is she spayed? Rabbits personalities change a great deal once they are fixed. They are also much calmer and diseases are reduced.

    I suggest show her that you have other things for her that she can dig. I don't cage my rabbit, I bunny proofed all electrical cords and he uses his litter box perfectly and I have never had a behavior problem with him. Make sure she is given enough time outside of the cage.  

  2. Sounds to me like she's bored, and possibly even bored of her cage, and thinks that by diggin in the' Dirt' {Litter} she's goin somewhere!

    To avoid this from happening I would get her some toys, I use kitten Balls, bith a Jingle Bell in the middle, and toilet paper tubes, and cardboard boxes.

    Then during the day, you should take her out of her cage, and put her in a safety profed playpen, and keep an eye on her, let her out to exercise at least 10-15 minutes per day, and play with her for at least 5-10 minutes each day, this may stop the digging, it's always woth a try!

    I hope this helps, and works well for you!

  3. I think your bunny is bored, or mad. Have you changed something? Perhaps she needs a new toy.

  4. Are you using a different brand of litter? Maybe she doesn't like it?

    Otherwise get some toys for her. Plastic baby toys from the dollar store work great. Plastic stacking cups, plastic ring of keys are popular with rabbits, They like to throw them around. Wiffle balls are good too.

    Have a good day!

  5. Maybe she is bored, give her some toys to play with.  My bunny did this for about a week and I couldn't figure it out.  I finally realized it was because I had stopped letting him do something he always did which was run around in another area.  Sometimes small routine changes can make them unhappy and that is how they show it.

  6. my bunny really liked to do this. when i opened the compartiment with it inside all the litter just came out. shes just getting bored and probably wants more attention. give her more toys spend more time with her and run her around like crazy that makes them tired so they just lie down and dont fo anything for a while. also keep the litter clean and make sure that if its a hot day give her something that cools it down. also give it a salt l**k . mine crushed his up in a day if yours does that dont give it anymore.  :)

  7. Your bunny should be outside of her cage many hours of the day.  Get an x-pen to set up in the house where the bunny will have at least twice as much space to move about, view the household activities and see you moving about.

    Even if she must be alone it will be better for her to have a change from a strictly cage environoment and it will be safe for her.

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