
My pet rat is sitting squeeking and twitching really bad and shaking its head like its in pain?

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it looks a bit like its guna be sick or like its got something stuck in its thrat and its eyes are like half shut and im really worried about it. its just sitting in the corner looking all ill while the other ones running around. any one know whats wrong with it? please help me!!! when it twitches it practically jumps in the air!




  1. Take it to a vet.

  2. Could be any number of things...get your rat to a vet right away!

    I know it's scary and the bill can be scary, but do it, the vets, and the staff will understand if you are upset in their office, you are worried about your baby, they have boxes of tissue just in case.


  3. The rat needs immediate attention from a vet. If this is treatable and you can afford it, the vet is the only one who can help. If the situation is not fixable or out of your price range, then the vet is able to put the rat down humanely.

    DO NOT WAIT FOR THE RAT TO DIE! Rats are able to live in excruciating pain for an extended period of time, it is cruel to wait until it dies because it may take weeks.

  4. come on you should know that we carnt really help, TAKE IT TO THE VET! when i have problems with my rats i dont just wait around looking for answer i TAKE THEM STRAIGHT AWAY! good luck xo

  5. No, rats cannot get hiccups. It sounds like he had a seizure, which generally means he could have another one. Please take him to the vet, seizures are very painful and traumatizing for animals, and there are medications.

    How old is he? Many small animals experience seizures once they are close to their time.

    How is his eating? If he's eating, pooping, breathing normally and moving around fine, I think he'll be ok. I'd suggest keeping a very close eye on him for the next little while.

  6. are you sure all the other ones are still running around...................has he eaten one of thier limbs......them rats feet can get stuck in your throat.....rats go a bit stir crazy in a cage

  7. It sounds like he may have been choking. If you see any other worrisome symptoms again please take him to the vet.

  8. ignore them. YES rats can get hiccups, mine do when they eat a bit too fast

    just keep an eye on them

  9. I'm afraid your hamster is in extreme pain and u wont be able to save it fast enough i would consider putting it out of its misery

    -seriously no joke!

  10. poor thing,

    take him to the vet immediatly, you never know..

    just make sure that he havent drank anything, a neighbour of us had achicken farm where he thought his chickens were about to die when he found out that the chicks were eating the grape's pith and seeds thrown away to make wine!

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