
My pet rat is wheezing, how do I know what is happening and what can I do?

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She is wheezing and breathing fast. She isn't going anywhere, and she is isn't eating. What is happening? She is not pregnant, she is albino. What is wrong and where can I get medication?




  1. I'm so sorry! I read the question wrong.

    Here's some help:

    Mycoplasma (Mycoplasmosis)is a disease that effects almost every rat, it is basically impossible to find rats that are not born with it.

    Mycoplasma, is a Respiratory infection that is not contagious, since you can not give a rat something it already has.

    Most Rats are infected with Mycoplasma, but not all rats are effected by it.

    Rats born by C-Section are usually not infected by Mycoplasma, as it is transferred to the baby when delivered through the birth canal.

    Some lab rats born in controlled environments are Mycoplasma free.

    Common symptoms are sneezing, wheezing and in later stages of infection it can cause gasping for breath.

    Other symptoms are a wet nose and Porphyrin/mucus discharge from the eyes and nose. Common things to check for are reddish brown sneeze spots, on their food dishes, bedding, houses etc. -as sometimes the rat can be very cleanly and you will not notice the discharge on them because they clean it off so quickly.

    The most common causes for a Mycoplasma flair up, is a dirty cage covered with germs and f***s and the wrong type of bedding.

    Never keep rats on pine bedding, pine bedding is very harmful to rat lungs!

    It can NOT be transferred from rat to human, but both humans and rats can have the disease.

    The disease -in rats is not curable, but there are several treatments that can suppress some of the symptoms.

    Making sure Vitamins A & E are in the rats diet is important on preventing the disease from spreading rapidly.

    Make sure your rats always have drinking water available. (A dehydrated rat is not a happy rat)

    Mycoplasma causes sores and/or scabs on the lungs, which causes difficulty in breathing. (Congestion -wheezing)

    Most commonly the sudden breathing difficulties are referred to as "Myco flair ups."

    Most Rats act normally except for the common heavy breathing, sneezing and wheezing, but they still remain quite active.

    Mycoplasma symptoms tend to be dry loud breathing that comes and goes.

    Some rats effected by Mycoplasma symptoms can still live long lives if they are fed and cared for properly. While other rats with decreased immune systems can be greatly effected and their health can decline rapidly.

    Rats prone to "Myco flair ups" may need to be treated with medicine several times in their lifetimes.

    Mycoplasma is most commonly treated with the medicine Baytril, sometimes Doxycycline (Generic name) (Brand name) Vibramycin will also be prescribed.

    It is hard to suppress Mycoplasma symptoms permanently, the symptoms can be suppressed with medicine but it is usually temporary and ongoing or reoccurring treatment may be necessary.

    Mycoplasma if not treated early enough can leave permanent scarring on the lungs, which can cause them to have Myco flair ups and breathing trouble for the rest of their lives. These symptoms can be suppressed with medicine but most commonly symptoms will be continuous throughout their lives flaring up from time to time.

  2. First off, sorry to tell you this, but there is probably not much you can do at this point, she may have advanced respiratory disease, which usually causes death, many of my ratties crossed the rainbow bridge this way :( Also, what could be happening is she is over heated, freeze a bottle of water and place it in her cage, or provide cool water for her to splash around in. Also, as for the medication, you have to go to a vet that specializes in exotic animals, a antibiotic would be your best bet, best wishes to you

  3. This is most likely a mycoplasma infection.  Most pet rats will acquire a mycoplasma infection throughout their lives.  The bad part is, that if you ignore it, it can kill them.  The good part is that you should be able to go to any vet and get the antibiotics to treat it, and they aren't that expensive.  Of course, an exotics vet would be best, but they are pricey, and I have found that most vets are well-enough trained in exotics to be able to identify such a thing.

    If you have any cagemates for her, you may also want to take them in as well, and ask the vet about getting a course of antibiotics for them as well,

  4. respiratory disease

  5. You need to find a small animal vet near you. She needs to be evaluated and given proper medications.

    You will not find anything ''over the counter'' that is truly worth trying.

    Until you can get her to a vet:

    My vet recommended this for rats with respiratory complications.

    - Have her in the bathroom (in a carrier or other safe confinement), while you take a hot shower. The steam filling the room will help ease her airways.

    Also, a small dark chocolate 'chip' (kind you use for in cookies n' such) can be very useful for rats with respiratory ailments, as well. ((Only ONE though. Don't want to over-do it))

    Wheezing/breathing problems are often symptoms of a respiratory infection.

    Just about all rats have Mycoplasma. Many can go through life without any complications, but others can have respiratory distress, like yours. Here is more information on Myco:

    EDIT: Cavy Queen, hamsters and rats do NOT suffer from all the same ailments, so a website dedicated to hamster ailments is little to no use for a rat owner in distress.

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