
My pharmacist canceled my diabetes?

by  |  earlier

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medication..can he do that? I need my medication and I'm trying to understand why he cancelled it? Is that even legal? I have insurance by the way. Should I contact my insurance to find out why?




  1. A Pharmacist doesn't "cancel" medication, only your Doctor can do that, Ask the Pharmacist the reason it can't be refilled and I'm sure they will tell you that you ran out of refills and need a new prescription from your Doctor.

    If the Pharmacist told you the reason why, post here and I can give you better advice.  

  2. Your pharmacist cannot cancel the medication.  They can not fill your prescription if it is too early for your insurance to pay for it, or your doctor alters it, but they cannot cancel it.  Ask them what happened and why it wasn't filled.  Ask if you need to contact the doctor, or the insurance company.  Then, do it and find out what happened.

  3. The insurance company doesn't control the actual prescription. You need to call the doctor and have him submit another valid order for the drug. The pharmacist has a legal obligation to fill it, if the RX is valid. Even if you didn't have insurance, as long as you paid for it, they would have to fill it.

  4. It sounds like your prescription ran out.  Most prescription are only good for 6 to 12 months.

    Call your doctor and have him call in a new one.

    Oh yea . . .the doctor WILL want to see you in his office before doing so, i think.

  5. Do you mean your prescription expired?  If so, call your physician and have him fax in a renewal prescription to the insurance company.  It might take a couple of weeks to get things processed, so let them know if it's a rush situation.

  6. It could have been a timing thing if it was a "monthly" script but you only had a 30 day supply or something like that or it could have a counterindication with something else they have records of you being on.  Best thing to do is ask the pharmacist why first, then go back to the doctor.  If you call the doctor first then the doctor can't do much if he doesn't know exactly why it was canceled, especially if it was because of overlapping scripts.  The doctor could call the pharmacist him/herself, but it would be better if you asked directly first to free up the doctor's time.

  7. Fellow diabetic here ....

    Yes !  First contact your insurance company

    secondly, call your Doctor ..I suggest you check into " Liberty Medical " they have a great program, and you deal with them,they can deal with your doctor

  8. I am a pharmacist and I can tell you that a pharmacist can refuse to fill any prescription that he fells is fraudulent, harmfully, not clear, ambiguous, or just does not fell right. On the other hand he CAN NOT fill a prescription that is out of refills, has been transfered, has been altered, has expired (by law), may cause you harm, or may get him sued. Usually it comes down to whether or not you have insurance and what the insurance company has to say, is the last of his worries. But usually the problem stems from the insurance company not wanting to pay for the prescription. There are many explanations for this but they all come down to money. I suggest you just ask. The only time you will not get an honest answer is if you alluded to a possible lawsuit or were some kind of A hole. Then you will get nowhere and will have no choice but to contact your doctor for a new script and find a new pharmacy.

  9. You need to call your doctor right away. A pharmacist can't just cancel your diabetes medication on his own.

  10. no you should call your doc

  11. It might be that the minimum time for your next refill isn't up yet. Ask him.

  12. I wonder if your physician wouldn't refill the prescription because you need to be seen for a check-up. It seems odd to me that the pharmacist would do that. Technically you have a right to your medication if there is a valid script for it or you have refills.

  13. Call your Dr first to advise of situation and he or she might be able to give you samples.  @- Call the supervisor of that pharmacy. What they have done is illegal. Only your Dr can take you off your meds. The call your insurance Company to report the pharmacy.  Hang in there and be presistant!

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