
My phone bill was $1000. My grandma has to come up with the money. What do I say to her?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so this month my phone bill was $1000. And AT&T said that all of it came from internet charges. I dont think its right because I only got on the internet a few times and it was no more than a minute each time. So when my grandma got the bill she felt so sick and almost threw up. I feel so bad, I havent eaten in 3 days and all ive been doing is crying. What am I supposed to tell her? And we dont have a lot of money so its not like its just going to be $1000 that she has in her bank account because she doesnt have the money. What should I say?




  1. Internet charges?

    Let your Grandmother know so she can have a discussion with them about these charges and have them validate them to her. If they can't then the charges will be dropped.

  2. Have her call the company! They can look over the charges and if you have never had your bill adjusted they can take the charges off! If you are under 18, she can for sure get them dropped. But if you did not run up the bill, they need to figure it out.Do not wait! If this is a cell we are talking about, im not sure if they will drop the charges. But try it any way. Good luck!

  3. I'd say "|'m sorry granny, the net p**n was too good for me to stop"

    "A MINUTE EACH TIME" he says...l0l!...riiight  : |

  4. You need to tell her how sorry you are a 1000 times over.

    Have your phone and computer taken away.

    That is insane to have a bill that high.

    My ten year old daughter has more respect than you right now, come on, less than a min. did not get a $1000.00 bill your poor grandma.

    To make thing right you need to do odd jobs and pay her back.

    Babysit,mow lawns, sack grocerys, walk neighbors dogs, something to show you do care and love her, respect her enough to make things better,that it will not happen again.

    Hope this helps you.

    Best of Luck!  :)

  5. wow ok well i'd apologize but look at this matter o factly; have you learned from this experience? tell her. are you working hard to pay her back? tell her. eat something and think "that money is mine, i'll give something up like going out on weekends (to the movies,etc...) for about a month. i'll get a job, and i'll pay her back." think of...moral ways to make money.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!


  6. You'll have to sit her down and let her be aware of your stance in the situation. let her know that you really do feel bad about it but you really have no choice at the moment. Tell her that you wouldlike her to help you to come up with the money because you cannot do it alone. You should help as well  Let this be known to her that it is a consequence of your own actions so next time you'll know better. Tell her that you are willing yo work hard to earn some money to fix it.

    Maybe you need to contact some family members or friends and ask for help.

  7. A Few Months ago my sisters cell bill was $1900.

    And my dad had to them he could only make payments. Ask at&t if you can make payments. But the only way that will work is if they shut off your phone.

  8. You seem to be making alot of excuses for your behavior but the bottom line is that you cost your grandmother money she doesn't have. You are 13, the possibility that you will be able to pay that back any time soon is remote. I think what you should say is "I am so sorry, I will work very hard to pay you back, and here is my phone." When someone trusts you with something, and you break that trust, being honest about it and being honest to yourself is the only way to make amends.

    I know you didn't do this on purpose and now you know better. Don't do it again until you have your own money to spend. Everyone makes a mistake, and while this is a big one that hurt someone you love, its still just a mistake. Learn from it.  

  9. Depending on how old you are, you need to get a job babysitting or something to at least try to help her with paying the bill. Ask for a detailed bill so that you can make sure it's right. I'm a mother and I would be extremely upset if I received a 1000 bill from their phone use. The first thing I would do is make them give me the phone back.

  10. You should borrow the money and pay your grandma back ASAP. Or you should clean her home everyday for like a month. Let her know that you made a mistake by not keeping track of your phone bill.  

  11. sorry..this is exactly why i dont think teenagers need to have cell phones..they dont think of the consequences until its too late...

    heres what you do...give your phone to your grandmother, apologize to her and do chores, yard work for other people and give her all your money until the $1000 is paid to your grandmother...

    then after you paid for the bill you ran up...ask for the phone back...

  12. Hi talk to your grandma about this i know its not ez but you have to do this mybe you can do jobs for your friends babysit you have to do somthing to help pay the bill your grandma will undersand she loves you  

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