
My phone was out of service and I checked it and it said it was connected to the internet for 2 hours..?

by  |  earlier

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I didn't even use it.. and I know two hours on the internet is a c**p load of money. I'm scared my mom's gonna kill me.

Will I still get charged? But how was I connected to the internet, if I had no service at all!?




  1. sounds odd. I would call the phone provider and tell them that you had no service, yet it's saying you were online, and tell them you didn't use the internet on it, and you want the charges removed.

  2. Check your computer under the 'Internet Properties', then go to 'Connections' you may have selected the 'Always Dial A Connection'.  This could be connnecting eventhough you do not command it.

  3. Are you a cell phone with internet access?

    If yes then take your question to the cell phone forum.

    They can help with something I don't know.

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