
My pimple turned into purple!?

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either my pimple or cyst turned into purple!! its very noticeable and i been putting over the counter stuff from neutrogena and oxy but it dont seem to work!! when it turns purple does that mean its healing or worse??




  1. not good! I have alot of experince with pimples. Right now you need to rub it and make it red, it needs more surculation. Stop putting that stuff on your face, just keep your skin clear. Then when its red, start putting oxy on at night and everyone other day neutrogena in the morning. Drink lots of water.DONT POP IT< IT WILL SCAR LIKE A CRATER!

  2. If it's actually purple, and the meds don't seem to be working, it could actually be a boil- if so, it will be extremely painful if you touch it...boils usually come from a bacterial infection (can start as an inflamed hair folicle) and can spread, so if you suspect this is what it is, you may actually have to see a doctor - they actually have a very painful core and can leave a bad scar...

    If it's more of a red purple, it could be Rosacea which is a more severe form of acne that usually requires treatment by a dermatologist.

    Some skin conditions, like these for example, may actually require oral antibiotics to clear them up.

  3. well it might be infected.


    -dont touch it! bacteria is all over ur hands and u can ealsiy spread bacteria all over ur pimple w/out even knowing it.

    -get an ice cube and hold it over the pimple for 5 min. it will leave a huge red mark cause of the intesity of the cube on ur skin, but the red will go away in about 2 mins.

    - wash ur face w/ warm water, then cold. warm water, then cold to open and close pores

    - rub an alcholol pad on the pimple and then leave it. alcholol cleans all bacteria.

    - put a dab of toothpaste or peroxide on the pimple and leave it. if u have sensitive skin, only leave on for 10-15, and same w/ dry skin. if u have a combo. of skin, it should work well

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