
My pink eye still hasn't gone away, and it's been 2 months.

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The first visit to the doctor, was 1 and a half months ago when he diagnosed it as Bacterial Pink Eye, but the antibiotic eye drops he prescribed didn't help.Then I went to the same doctor 2 weeks ago, and he gave me antihistamine eye drops(Zatidor), with some pills to keep my allergies away. I didn't even know I had allergies. These really helped my eye. It stopped the itching, and reduced the amount of gunk I woke up to. Now the only real problem is that it's still red. Other than that, my vision and eye feels fine. I plan on going to the doctor again soon. But in the meantime, any help would be appreciated.




  1. you should seriously go to a different doctor or something it may be really serious..

  2. allergic conjunctivitis. i had this since february. it takes foreverrrrr to go away. i'm not even sure if its completely gone. i used zaditor too, then i swtiched to optivar. they're both good. use them with eyedrops. make sure they're preservative-free. i like systane.

  3. Pink eye can show up when you least expect it, and it is very contagious. There is more than one type of pink eye, and how you treat it depends on the type. If it is bacterial you need antibiotic ointment or drops. There is no particular treatment for viral pink eye. If it is an allergy that is causing your difficulty you may need anti-inflammatories or antihistamines. Frequent hand washing is crucial to prevent spreading the virus or bacteria, depending on which type you have.   There is also something called CLARE, or contact lens induced acute red eye. Sleeping in contacts makes the eye more susceptible to inflammation/infection.

  4. you should apply eyedrops and MUST avoid touching your eye

    you dont want it to spread any further than it has

    think about going to an eyedoctor instead

    they might be a biggger help good luck! =)

    p.s. i actually have pink eye right now =/ and i just dont put any makeup on and avoid any irritation

  5. try some colloidal silver drops. you can buy them at a vitamin shop or a whole foods store. I get pink eye from working with kids, and as soon as i notive the symptoms i usually put 2 drops in at least twice a day. In fact, last night i noticed somthing. This morning i woke up with crust on my eye and the feeling like there was somthing in it. I washed it out with some green tea (works great to soothe it!!) then i put the CS drops in, its been about 4 hours and my eye is signifigantly better, I am going to do another 2 in about 3 hours and by tonight it sohuld be cleared up. CS is a naturally occuring antibiotic and complelty safe. They use it in infants to prevent pink eye. In fact, in the 1930's, before there was even a antibiotic out for pink eye, they used CS to treat pink eye. It really works for me. Instead of filling your body with all these medicines that arn't even working in the first place (i've been there and know how frustrating that is), try somthing natural first.

    good luck!!!

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