
My pinky finger feels jammed?? It hurts.?

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Both of my pinky fingers feel jammed and they make it hard to write. I asked my chiropractor and a physical therapist they both weren't sure and blew it off. Did this ever happen to anyone? Could it be arthritis??? I'm only twenty by the way.




  1. If it feels like deep joint pain it could be arthritis...but if you play a Sport or have been using your hands in repetetive motion for a while it could be repetetive motion injury...try putting ice-packs on them for 20 minute intervals and taping them to the ring finger for a day or two...see if that helps, if it doesn't you may need to check with your M.D. and have a ESR (Sed Rate) and or Arthritis Panel ran to check for arthritis (especially if it runs in your family)...Good Luck,Aloha and feel better.

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