
My pitbull pup is snapping!?

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i have a pitbull pup that is 8 weeks and shell be sitting with you and then shell snap at your face and arms is this normal?




  1. And you're surprised because......

  2. Just train it. It's a PUPPY. All puppies bite. Most adult small breed dogs bite as well. Pitbulls are not viscous if you train them correctly.

  3. whatever

    just because pitbulls have a bad rep does not mean all of them are viscous. thats like like saying all labradors are are kind.(most of them are but not all)

    it's a puppy, it will do that. my puppies do that too but thats because they are still teething and want to chew.

    your pitbull might snap because it wants attention and play.  :)

    it may also be that it inherited some personality traits from the parents.. (they parents might have been aggressive too)

    anyways..... i suggest training so it won't grow up to always be like that. :)

  4. get it some training...also why is this in reptiles??

  5. She's a puppy. That's what puppies do. Just give her a firm "No" and don't yell at her. Anyone who is against Pitbulls should just fall off the face of the Earth. Any dog can be raised to be mean. A lot of people just chose to do it to Pitbulls. Don't blame it on the dog, blame it on the owner. I have a Great Dane, Pitbull, and a Chihuahua. They are together every second of the day and get along so great. They are all very loyal to me and are great towards other people because that's how I raised all of them.

    Yea...and I'm so sick of people like you saying it's in their blood. Would you like it if every breed that has ever attacked got banned? Might as well say goodbye to every breed there is. The only reason you've never heard of the attacks by certain breeds is because people don't broadcast them like they do Pitbulls. And the only people who do that are the ones trying to get rid of them.

  6. Good. Now put it out of its misery before it kills someone.

  7. This question belongs in the DOGS section - not in reptiles !

  8. That's what you get for wanting a pitbull. Why would you want one anyway? They are the spawn of satan. Look how many innocent children are killed each year by them. There's a reason pitbulls are illegal in Miami and all of England. I don't understand the fascination with them. They are ugly dogs compared to many other breeds and are not an intelligent breed, making them more difficult to train, according to some of the top trainers in the world.

    Alicia, I'm so sick of you pitbull lovers saying "it's not the breed, it's just how some people raise them". That's B.S. How many more people need to die or be maimed? When was the last time a poodle or a shnauzer mutilated someone? Pitbulls are a naturally aggressive breed and should be banned. They already have been banned in many places. Most apartment complexes don't allow them. Many cities are banning them. Apparently you support children being killed and injured. We'll see what you say after it's happened to you.

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