
My plants have not gotten enough water and wilted. What now?

by Guest65858  |  earlier

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If I water them, will they come back or are the wilted leaves going to die off? Also, what else can I do to save it? THanks!




  1. Hope this helps:

    Things You’ll Need:

        * Washtubs

        * Watering Cans

        * Plastic Bucket


    Fill a bucket, sink or basin halfway with water. (With the container only half full, you won't need to worry about overflow.) Make sure the container is large enough to accommodate the entire pot, all the way to the rim.


    Plunge the plant (in the pot) into the water-filled container. If the rim of the pot is not covered by water, add more. It's all right if water covers some of the foliage. You may need to weigh down the pot with a brick or a stone to keep it from floating to the surface.


    Keep the plant in the container until bubbles stop rising from the soil. Bubbles indicate air pockets in the root ball.


    Keep the plant in the water for at least a half hour after the bubbles stop, to assure that the soil is completely saturated.


    Remove the pot from the container and allow the plant to drain.


    Place the potted plant inside a large plastic bag and close it tightly. This step will provide much-needed humidity to the foliage while the roots go back into action. Keep the bagged plant in a shady area.


    Remove the plant from the bag and move it back to its original location once it has revived (this could take as little as a few hours, or several days).

    Tips & Warnings:

        * Plants that have dried out may develop brown tips on the leaf edges. Cut them off with scissors.

        * Keep the plant out of full sunlight until it has recovered fully. The more light a plant receives, the more water it uses.

        * If the plant refuses to revive, take stem cuttings to propagate a new plant.

        * Plants in the ground can be revived by running water slowly around the roots.

        * This is a messy process, best done outside.

  2. water them if not dead they will come back

  3. Put the pot in a saucer of water. Also make sure you water it. If it comes back is a couple of days then your fine. If not, the say goodbye to it.

  4. give them tons of water for the next two weeks.they will shed some leaves but they should live

  5. If they're not dead, they'll come back upon being watered.  If they are still alive, you might want to consider these options to help them retain moisture in the future.

    1.  cover the bare soil with some type of mulch

    2. use some type of soil with special moisture control

  6. water them if they are not dead. the problem could be in your soil.try changing your soil because bad soil can cause the roots to rot from lack of oxygen and water which carries protein your plants need.

  7. If they're in pots you'll probably have to water morning and evening every day to prevent this from happening again.

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