
My pomeranian is 57 to 58 days pregnant she is not wanting to eat her dog food also she has vomited ?

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could someone please help me thanks alot in advance




  1. I would call the vet, she may be going into early labor which can pose serious problems. Or she could have a dead puppy inside her. Both happened to one of my dogs years ago. One had to have an emergency C-section to save her life and lots of meds. She did deliver one puppy and one was already dead inside her. Other dog delivered early (60 days) and all the puppies were born alive but all died within a day. Vet checked them out on the day they were born and said they all were born too early and were under developed and would die. Mother dog also had a uterine  infection and was very ill and needed antibiotics. When she was better I had her spayed. Both dogs started out vomiting so I would not hesitate to have your dog checked out.

  2. Well, in case you don't already know, a dog's pregnancy lasts about 9 weeks.

    Since she is so close to the end of her pregnancy, the loss of appetite is normal and usually from stress.

    But the vomiting shouldn't be happening. You didn't give any details so I can't give you any ideas as to what is wrong.

    It could be anything from a mild gastro-intestinal upset to a miss carried pup.

    I would take her to the vet to be sure.

    Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions.

  3. she's ready to have the babies

  4. It could be labor starting are you absolute on the tie date?  If so then call your vet.  YOu can give her some chicken broth (i go low sodium) and also some yogurt but she might reject that too...

    But get some and have on hand... are there any discharges or fluids that you have seen?  do you have spot set up so you can monitor and assist if needed?

    I want to recommend a book to you as it is good for learning about stuff like this.

    Breeding a Litter prenatal and postnatal care

    my blog:

  5. somtimes where they r pregnat they dont eat bt i think the problem is because your dog is tired of her old dog food and she doesnt eat it which resuts in her throwing up cause she is hungary tht was the case with my dog hope this helps

  6. The vet is your best bet for help..not us here on a computer.

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