
My pony rubbed his tail raw... what should i do??? :(?

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my pony rubbed his tail raw. i dont know what to do for it. i just keep putting M-T-G on it and it is starting to grow back but what else should i do for it..???! (p.s) i put furizone on it a few days after because thats what my mom said to do but what else do you think i could do for it?????? please help!!




  1. The most important thing is not to concentrate your efforts on growing the tail back -- but FIRST get to the cause of the rubbing and put a stop to that.  Otherwise, you'll just be stuck in a cycle of growing the tail and rubbing it off.

    As you can see, it could be a lot of different things causing the tail rubbing.  Whenever my gelding starts rubbing his tail it usually reminds me that he is due for his deworming treatment.  When he is current or not due for worming, I usually notice his sheath has gotten yucky.  Geldings often rub their tails when their sheaths are itchy.

    I take a proactive role and do the following: wash and rinse and rinse and rinse the tail throughly, spray with an anti-fungal/anti-itch treatment, have his sheath cleaned and finally deworm if needed.

    Good luck!

  2. your doing the right continue on. dont rush it.

  3. Well it could be a number of things that all have different solutions. He could have "sweet itch" right above his tail in which case all you need is a spray preferably with tea tree oil in it (you can get a good spray from a tack store). Or you horse could have a large amount of worms. In that case you will want to consult you vet as to what you should do there. If you have been keeping your horse on a worming schedule then you should be okay there so I would try the sweet itch solution first. He could also just have slightly drier skin than other horses and that is his itchy spot in which case any spray you can get with tea tree oil will help A LOT. My dads horse rubs her tail raw at the top most summers and this helped her.

  4. Does he only rub his tail or does he rub his mane as well, it could be sweet itch if it is you need a fly rug, plenty of fly spray, keep him in when the flies are about the most ie morn and eve. It is am allergic reaction to flies if it is that.

  5. Well I have to say that if the horses hair is growing back with what you are doing with it then you are doing the right thing. Now if something happens to where that stops or it happens again you may want to contact a vet. There may be something that is really bothering it. It may be something as simple as bugs but you might want to get it checked out just in case.

  6. My horse had a similar problem. I asked my trainer and he suggested it might be dead skin running off the butt when you hose them off or it rains then it gets cuaght up in the tail making it itch causing them to rub. tofix that prob i went to a local tack store but you they sell at tractor supply too. a fungus spray. you spray it on the tail once a day until its gone or doesn't seem to be causing anymore trouble. It really works mine was gone in 2 weeks and her tail is better than ever

  7. What part of the tail is it? If it is the very top part, like he has been rubbing his butt on something?  If so, he may have worms, as that is a very good sign of worms in horses.  See if he is rubbing his backside on anything, and just see how it goes.  His tail should grow back fine as long as he stops rubbing it raw!

  8. he may have allergies.  dover catalogue has a cover that you put over the tail.  its mainly for fancy horses protecting their braids before shows but it may work.  good luck!

  9. Sometimes this comes from needing his sheath cleaned.  It can be from being really itchy under the belly/between the legs.  Or it could be allergies to bugs as others have mentioned.

  10. Go to the vet and continue using your M-T-G

    I had a horse that was alergic to fly bites and he would rub his tail badly to bald. We put stuff on that the doctor prescribed and wrapped his tail in a tail bag and on the top of the tail we wrapped it in the gauze type stuff that sticks to itself after you put the medicine on.

  11. keep it covered also, preferably from a fly sheet.

  12. Do you think he bit it raw or does he have a skin condition? What we do for my dogs skin condition is to mix betadine and water together and spray it on the area. It seems like you are doing enough as it is if his hair is growing back.

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