
My pool is disgusting! please help!?

by  |  earlier

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we have an above ground that is really gross. its a cloudy blue color with white foam on the top. you cant even see the bottom. i took a sample the the pool people and they gave me chemicals but its no better we have shocked it and backwashed it soo many times and i just replaced the filter but nothing is working!!




  1. chemicals suck...

    why don't you get your dirty **** in there and clean it?

    drain the pool and stop with the dam chemicals really..

    Brillo brush will work wonders..if it is still like that I would say check your water pipes and water itself..could be tainted.

  2. You should be able to solve the problem by ensuring the PH is correct and the Chlorine is at the correct level (test kit required to keep these 2 at their correct levels).

  3. Dang I wish I remebered the name ,but I know it starts w/Silver and it contains silver,but it clears up the pool in 24 hours then you just have to sweep the settled particles at the bottom on waste cycle. (Silver Oxide)

    To clear the foam they make many anti-foam products just dont use to much cause it causes cloudy water.

  4. eat it mon

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