
My pool is turning green and cloudy. what can I put in it without me having to go to the pool store ?

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My pool is turning green and cloudy. what can I put in it without me having to go to the pool store ? Is there like a home remedy that will clear it up? It is 21x4 i think




  1. Unfortunately, many pool companies will sell you anything that you will buy. Take a few minutes and get the straight scoop here -

  2. no do not put bleach in pool it will mess up your alkilanty I OWN A POOL COMPANY there are no home remedies you need to get shock algeacide and chlorine tablets.please see email me before you do anything

  3. Regular old chorline bleach, a pool that size, I would put in a full gallon and make sure the filter is running.  Don't go in it til 2morrow.  Cleans mine up all the time.

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