
My poolis super green and tommorow is the fourth of july and i need it clear by then what do i do?

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My poolis super green and tommorow is the fourth of july and i need it clear by then what do i do?




  1. Buy algicide and put it in. Turn on the pump, turn down the heat if possible.

  2. A non-chlorine shock is a bit more costly than using chlorine, but it might be just the thing in your case as it will reduce pool downtime by working rapidly and not requiring time to dissipate. You can get any number of these solutions at your local pool store and be (safely) swimming in an alge-free pool tomorrow.

  3. algae killer with the filter running for a while should clear it up some

  4. call a pool person

  5. you need the whole day today to work on this. i suggest you drain all the murky water from it first. then scrub all of the nasty stuff and rinse with a hose. you could also try buying some of that chemical pool cleaning agent sold in most stores. that should do it.

  6. Go to a pool store and tell them...However, I think you need more then a day to clear a pool if it is really green...One really good but gross way is to get in there and move the water around...Rub your foot all on the bottom and lower sides to dislodge the c**p...

  7. shouldn't have procrastinated. But other than that use a ton of bleach.

  8. u dont have enough time it takes a few weeks to clean a pool

  9. About six to eight gallons of liquid chlorine should about do it.

  10. algicide-use it

    do you have enough chemicals in it? check and add if needed.

    is the pump on? turn it on.

    start working on it!

  11. First go to pool supply and get a clarifier and a green away chemical. Explain situation.  Be prepared to tell how many gallons water pool holds. There are many chemicals but you need one to clear  and destroy algae at minimum.  Then add chemcical and brush sides and bottom, start filter. Be sure to also get chlorine, liquid and tabs

  12. Try and clean it out it might be disgusting but it has to be done.

    Ihope it gets done in time

  13. you can maybe get it clear with chemicals by shocking it. but there is nothing you can do that will make it safe for you to swim in.

  14. filter it FAST jk lol use lots of clener IDK love the name natalie thats my name 2

  15. Shock and you have to really vacuum it out really good even if it takes all day and be sure to clean your filters also. If you work on it all day then u should be ok. U may even have to work on it a little in the morning too. Good luck.

  16. Start emptying it NOW, scrub it clean until whenever, fill it before you need it!

    Enjoy your 4th July holiday, I had to work on Canada day, so missed the celebrations.

  17. Oh man, I had the same problem with my pool about 2 months ago.  It took 2 weeks for it to go back to its original blue color.  It was disgusting.

    Good luck finding a cure for it, though!

  18. clean it


  19. shock does wonders!!

  20. Take a sample (about 1/2 gallon) of your pool water to your nearest pool store and have them  tell you what to do.  It is possible to clear a lot of the algae,  but it is also possible to make it unsafe to swim in.  Also, know the size of your pool when you go, it matters.  Where I live, the chain "Leslie's Pools" will test your water for free.  Good luck.

  21. Your poolis?  Green .  . see a doctor!!

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