
My pools water is rusty and brown, how do I clear it up? PLEASE help!?

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I recently bought a little pool (103in. x 69in. x 22in.) for my 2 year old daughter to swim in. **It didn't come with a filter** It is just a cheap $20 inflatable pool. I live in the country and have well water, the water is really rusty and brown...I know it is probably because of the minerals in the water but i'm concerned to put any chemicals such as Metal Out in the water because I don't want it to harm my daughter. That and i'm really not to sure on how much to use in such a small pool. I'm desperate, she wants to get in it so bad! Could someone please help me!!!




  1. You probably have water high in iron. This is very common with well water. If you have a water softener in your house, you can fill the pool with softened water. The only other option is to use a metal sequestrant, like Metal Out. These are completely harmless, but I know you won't believe this.

    So, if you don't want to use a sequestrant, your options are softened water or no pool.

  2. Don't put your daughter in it.

    I used to work for the water board, and 99% of times this is harmless minerals, but occasionally it can indicate the presence of algaes, which can be poisonous, as well as bacterial amoebas.  

    Get a sample sent off to your nearest environmental health department for testing.

  3. maybe you could run it though filters ,there is lots of natual filters you can make,look in servival books

  4. Don't pee in it.

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