
My poor bunny keeps loosing weight!?!?

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I have a 14 week old bunny. He lives with his brother. They stay inside always. I have just noticed that he is loosing weight, a lot of weight. I can feel his little spine:( The 2 bunnies never fight over food, and I see him eating all of the time. He has always been smaller than his brother and sister, but he always continued to grow normally until now. I can't take him to the vet until Monday otherwise I will pay out a lot of money for urgent care, so I was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of this happening and what it could be from. Also, if this was your pet, what would you do about this poor little guy? Thank you so much for any suggestions you may have!




  1. First, separate your skinny bunny to a different cage.  If he is sick you wouldn't want your other bunnies to get sick.  He might also be too stressed because all of the chaos!  I think you should feed him personally by hand.  You should make sure and watch him eat.  If he refuses to eat regular food out of your hand switch to healthy treats.  Regulate his temperature too.  If your little bunny continues to shrink  call a vet because he might be sick.  Also make sure you give him lots of attention and time to rest because I'm sure he would enjoy it.  The same thing happened to my little bunny but he turned out to be fine!  I hope your bunny is OK.

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