
My poor cat has the runs and it's my fault ?

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I was out for dinner at the weekend and had ostrich. I only could eat half of the portion I got so I brought some home and gave it to my 1 year old cat. She liked it ok - there was no sauces or seasoning on the meat and I never thought it would do her any harm, but yesterday evening she had the runs - quite bad. I had to change her litter tray 3 times. I feel so guilty. I thought this would have been a nice treat for her but instead I have made her suffer. Please take heed cat owners and dont act as stupidly as me. Anyway - I want to know, how long will this last? Will I need to bring her to the vet? What can I do to make her better? My vet will be very angry with me for being so stupid and I cant blame her !




  1. Well it depends on how big of a portion you gave to how big of a cat. If you gave a large portion to a small cat i might last a few days. Have you ever given your cat ostrich? Your cat might be having a allergic reaction to the food. Or you cat is just trying to remove the new food from its body. If it last more than a day, you should see a vet.

  2. ostrich meat is to strong for your cats stomach that's why your kitty had the runs

  3. Your vet will NOT be angry with you.  But you need to call and get something to help with her stomach.  It is only fair.  He may ask you to came in for a shot to settle her down a bit.  

    Don't beat yourself up, now you know.  It is what you do about it that matters.  :)

  4. Groid,

    Sorry about your kitty and hope that she will soon be back to normal.

    Cats have very sensitive digestive systems, and giving a food to which they are not accustomed can often cause bowel upset.

    Good idea to call your vet, who will not be upset with you, I am sure. It sounds like you are upset enough, not to have someone add to it.

    Diarrhea, however, can cause dehydration, which is something your vet can treat, if necessary. Your vet can also prescribe medication to help stop the diarrhea. Best thing to do is to call your vet and talk to them about the situation, and get their advice.

    You can monitor your cat for dehydration by pulling up the skin at the nape of the neck. If it stands up for over a second or two, your cat may be dehydrated.

    For an excellent article about what causes diarrhea and when to call the vet, visit:

    Hope this helps,


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former breeder of Siamese and Oriental Shorthair cats

  5. feed her just dry food and water for a little while. If it continues take her to the vet, they may suggest biospounge, which will help harden the poo up. Good Luck!

  6. When my cat had diarrhoea my vet told me to starve her for a day, let her drink water, then give light meals for a couple of days, like chicken, tuna, hopefully it will clear up!!

  7. my cat experienced the runs. something in her food didn't agree with her, the vet told me to starve her for a day and just keep her on water. it works :D

    don't worry, the vet shouldn't be angry with you, i bet she/he has seen this loads of times before anyway.

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